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South Carolina CDL Requirements
Everyone in the State of South Carolina who wishes to obtain or who currently holds a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) are federally required to inform the DMV of the type of commerce they plan to operate.
Interstate Non-Excepted
You must meet the Federal DOT medical certificate requirements.
Intrastate Non-Excepted
You must meet the state driver qualification requirements.
Note: All current South Carolina Commercial Driver License and beginner’s permit holders will receive a letter notifying them of the requirement. Self-certification must be done before January 30, 2014. If you do not meet the January 30, 2014 deadline you will be in jeopardy of losing your Commercial Driver’s License.
Submit your Self-Certification and Medical Certificate to South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles
Submit the following two documents:
- Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Holders Medical Certification Requirements – download the form DL-405A here from South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles.
- Copy of your valid DOT medical card. Enlarge the copy to ensure that all information is legible.
By Mail:
PO Box 1498
Blythewood, SC 29016-0028
By Fax:
(803) 896-2676 to the CDL Help Desk.
By Email:
For email submission, please scan the documents, preferably in PDF.
In Person:
To any local SCDMV Office
Please contact the CDL Help Desk at 803-896-2673 if you have any questions.
Keep Your Medical Certificate Current With South Carolina DMV
If you self-certify Non-Excepted Interstate and submit a medical certificate, you are required to keep a valid medical card on file with South Carolina DMV.
You may submit a legible copy of your medical certificate (medical card only, not the long form) to the DMV by mail, fax, email, or in person, as described above.
Other Information:
South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles official website
CDL Help Desk: 803-896-2673
Special Information Updates Pertaining To ALL STATES
The FMCSA has requested that all medical examiners continue providing drivers with a paper copy of the Medical Examiner’s Certificate – Form MCSA-5876, so that Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders can provide a copy to the State licensing agency, and the non-CDL drivers can provide the documentation to their employers and Federal and State enforcement officials.
The Agency is currently completing efforts to put into place an electronic system to enable medical examiners to transmit the medical certificate information from the National Registry system to the State licensing agencies.
Until that system is completed, which compliance date according FMCSA is June 23, 2025, medical examiners must continue to issue paper copies of the medical certificates to drivers who pass the medical exam.
Commercial Drivers – You still need to carry a paper copy of your medical card, until FMCSA announces that this is no longer necessary.
Your Feedback Is Welcome
Dealing with Federal DOT Regulations across the board is tough enough!
But when it comes to State Regulations — There are 50 different sets of rules. Someone could move the goal posts at any time…
To help us all avoid the black eye experience — AARGH! —
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NOTE: This website is not affiliated with, or endorsed by FMCSA or any government or state agency.
My medical expired 7 days ago in SC. would I still be able to get a physical and provide that to the dmv or do I just lose my CDL?
@ Jacob
Most states are running a few days behind, so get the medical card done and get a copy to your local DLD ASAP. You will most likely be in time without losing your cdl.
Bit of a story here, but to give you a background: I’m young and healthy, but I suffer from a bit of social anxiety and that translates to Whitecoat Syndrome when I’m in a Doctor’s office. Normally my blood pressure is fine, but when I’m in a doctor’s office it runs high.
Now last year I received my first DOT card. I wasn’t driving CMV’s at that time, but needed it for a job. They took my BP once and I was fine, got my 2 year card. Well last month I started at a driving school to get my CDL. They gave me a 1 week window to get a new DOT card even though mine didn’t expire for another year.
Went to an Urgent Care and couldn’t get my nerves under control. BP read as stage 1 hypertension (153/88) and the nurse practitioner didn’t seem to know what she was talking about. From my understanding you still get a 1 year card for uncontrolled stage 1, but she said I could only have a 90 day card so that’s what I got.
After doing some research I’m seeing conflicting info – You are saying once you get a 90 day card for high BP, you have to measure under 140/90 the following visit and still only get a 1 year card.
Can I just go to a different facility and pretend like nothing happened. Pay out of pocket for another DOT physical and worst comes to worst I get a 1 year card if I still read stage 1. Would they even be able to see that a 90 day card was previously issued?
I’m literally thinking about taking xanax and viagra before going to the next physical because I’m not sure what to do. Nerves are my issue.
@ Ryan S
Once a 90 card has been issued it will be on the national registry, if you carry a class A cdl. So yes, it is visible on the National Registry, DOT/FMCSA. Once a 90 day card has been issued, it’s a one time issue only, you must have a bp of 140/90 or less. That’s DOT/FMCSA class A interstate driver. And it will stay a one year card, once you pass.
I hold a class A CDL but haven’t driven in abut 25 years can I keep my CDL Without having to keep wasting money on a medical card? I will probably go back to driving at my age but I want to keep my CDL status since I paid for the training in the mid 90’s.what form should I complete to make this happen if there isn’t one then they should be in order to keep my CDL in a non driving status….thanks for your time
@ Max B
Since your cdl is a state issued document and has to follow the states rules and requirements, your best answer will come from your local DLD.
Might be a silly question but…
I wear a cpap but my compliance is under 70%.
Can the medical examiner (i.e. Doctors Care) issue a temporary medical certificate until I’m compliant?
@ Reggie
Class A cdl, maybe, if you have been compliant in the past. Lesser class cdl will be under your states guidelines and variances.
I live in South Carolina and I am blind in one eye and have a regular drivers license what are the chance I can get a CDL
@ Austin P
Class A interstate will require a vision waiver. Lesser class cdl will fall under your states guidelines and variances. Best to seek information from your local drivers license department and follow their procedures.
Can you drive a commercial vehicle with a defibrillator?
@ Ellerbe
All depends on the class license you carry.
Ok l have my class b CDL l ain’t had it for that long l have a picture of my CDL l just don’t have the hard copy l was staying with someone and l just up and move and l left my document and certification behind I’m wondering how to l go by getting a hard copy of my CDL again
@ Nija
You will need to contact your local drivers license department and follow their procedures, since your drivers license is a state issued document.
My med card expired on may 10th and I updated it on may 6th but wasn’t aware that I had to take it to the dmv for renewal and it’s may 18th, what are the precautions of this? I am going to take it on Monday but is everything still ok with my Cdl or will it become suspended?
@ Rez D
Get it done ASAP. It’s easier to beg forgiveness than it is to ask permission. You should be fine though.
My husband medical card exp. in early Dec but at that time he was out on short term disability from 2 toe amputations and had a wound vac machine hooked to his foot until 2 weeks ago. He couldn’t go get the test with machine attached so how does he get a new medical card? Please help!! Thank you!
@ Amanda
Once he is released to return to work, go and get a new medical examination and medical card. Then take a copy down to the local drivers license department (DLD) and have it registered. If there are questions, his situation should be explained and they will most likely get him registered without down grading his cdl.
I self surrender or downgraded from my class a CDL to a regular driver’s license. I did so because, I wasn’t working for the company, who required me to have a CDL. I still wanted to keep it but I couldn’t afford to pay for the doctor’s office visit and medical card to get a replacement CDL. I had lost my wallet at the time and my CDL was in my wallet. What do I need to do to get my CDL back. Thank you for your time and help with this matter.
@ James P
Your cdl is a state issued document and they will have a process for you to follow. Touch base with your local DLD and ask.
Fla cdl vision test standards have changed for people with vision in only one eye if I get my cdl in fla can I transfer South Carolina will a dot dr strike me down or will it be accepted?
@ Flaboy2023
If you are a class A cdl holder, these changes were made nation wide, no big issues. Lesser class cdl, you would need to clarify with local drivers license departments (DLD).
Do non CDL drivers in South Carolina need to have medical cards if their truck has a DOT number on it?
@ Weston A T
You will need to confirm this with your local drivers license department. Most states require a valid medical card for ANY vehicle that is being used for commerce, making money for someone.
I have a CDL from South Carolina. If I get a regular license because I don’t have a medical card. If I decide later to get a medical card do have to take the written test and skill test over before I get my CDL back.
@ James S
Each state has a different deadline and process for cdl re-instatement. Best to check with SC for their process.
Yes you need to start the entire process again. I think the one workaround is going to the DMV and self-certifying as non-excepted to excepted. Then when you get your DOT card you can self-certify again as excepted
Am I allowed to drive a tire commercial service truck without a DOT medical card in South Carolina
@ Adrian M
You need to check with your local drivers license department for guidance.
If you are operating a Ford F750 truck with a 5 car hauler attached hauling cars for your self do you need a medical card to get your CDL.
@ Scott P
Most states require a medical card to acquire a cdl. Confirm with your local drivers license department.
My health card expired and I not driving a CDL truck can I hold off on my health card renewal
@ Robert C B
Most states require a valid medical card to maintain a cdl. You might want to confirm this with your local DLD before they down grade your license and make you start all over.
In South Carolina I was issued a 3 month med card now after the 3 months I went to a different place and got a 2 year again is that legal
@ Thomas R
Yes, because CME’s have to interpret the DOT/FMCSA guidelines. There are regulations and the rest are guidelines. One CME may have questions and give a 3 month card so you can continue to drive while you correct an issue. Another does not see the issue as a restriction.
Where is the best place to obtain a medical card in south Carolina