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North Dakota CDL Requirements
All CDL drivers in the State of North Dakota are required to have a valid DOT medical card, unless the type of commerce you drive qualifies as ‘Excepted’.
Interstate Non-Excepted
You must meet the Federal DOT medical certificate requirements.
Intrastate Non-Excepted
You must meet the Federal DOT medical certificate requirements.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations require certain Commercial Driver License (CDL) holders to mail, fax, or email a copy (not the actual card) of their Medical Certificate to the Drivers License Division in Bismarck. This must be done at least 10 days prior to visiting a driver license site for your renewal or issuance of a commercial permit or transfer of an out of state CDL to North Dakota.
If you are required to submit a copy of your medical certificate, you are also required to keep your medical certificate current even during times you are not actively driving a CMV.
Submitting your Medical Certificate to North Dakota Drivers License Division
Submit a copy of your medical certificate to the Drivers License Division…
By Mail:
Drivers License Division
608 E. Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505-0750
By Fax:
By Email: email a PDF attachment
- Failure to mail, fax, or email a copy of your medical certificate will result in downgrading your commercial driving privileges to noncommercial driving privileges only. Downgrading will also occur if you allow your medical certificate to expire.
- Do not bring your medical certificate to the local driver license sites. A copy of it must be mailed, faxed, or emailed to Bismarck at least 10 days prior to visiting the driver license site.
Special Information Updates Pertaining To ALL STATES
The FMCSA has requested that all medical examiners continue providing drivers with a paper copy of the Medical Examiner’s Certificate – Form MCSA-5876, so that Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders can provide a copy to the State licensing agency, and the non-CDL drivers can provide the documentation to their employers and Federal and State enforcement officials.
The Agency is currently completing efforts to put into place an electronic system to enable medical examiners to transmit the medical certificate information from the National Registry system to the State licensing agencies.
Until that system is completed, which compliance date according FMCSA is June 23, 2025, medical examiners must continue to issue paper copies of the medical certificates to drivers who pass the medical exam.
Commercial Drivers – You still need to carry a paper copy of your medical card, until FMCSA announces that this is no longer necessary.
Your Feedback Is Welcome
Dealing with Federal DOT Regulations across the board is tough enough!
But when it comes to State Regulations — There are 50 different sets of rules. Someone could move the goal posts at any time…
To help us all avoid the black eye experience — AARGH! —
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NOTE: This website is not affiliated with, or endorsed by FMCSA or any government or state agency.
Do I need to update my medical certificate if I have a class B license and I am volunteering to drive bus for a non-profit baseball organization?
@ Donn B
Most likely, but confirm with your local drivers license department.
Where is the restriction portion of my medical certificate? It states that the restriction portion (6 small boxes) of my medical certificate was not received.
@ Kassondra
It is on the medical certificate. New medical card were big, so maybe it got folded into the wallet size paper.
What is tested for in a DOT physical urinalysis?
What qualifies as excepted to not have a DOT physical card? Can you still drive a commercial vehicle if you can’t pass your DOT physical because diabetes numbers are high?
@ David
Your question will be best answered by your local drivers license department, since it is state related.
If you are a passenger in a cmv doing a drive test certification and are a company man do you need a medical certification
@ Curious
Depends on your class drivers license and the vehicle being used in the testing process.
Medical card is expired by 2 days, is there a grace period that a driver can still work
@ Darcy
DOT/FMCSA has extended grace period to middle of October.
How are you supposed to know if the state received a copy of the health card so that your CDL doesnt get revoked?
@ Dana
You call your state drivers license department and ask.
you can check it yourself by going onto:
and typing in your DL info.
I’m trying to get a med card to drive for a job but I do not need a CDL. I am currently taking Keppra and I haven’t had a seizure in 14 years. What do I have to do to get my med card?
@ Josh S
Explain to the examiner that you are not a cdl driver but need the medical card to work. Make sure you take a medical release form from your doctor explaining your situation and prognosis. That should be enough.
What level of Sleep Apnea disqualifies a driver with a CDL?
If hauling grain in state only do I need a medical card? Checking for a friend
Your friend will need to contact your local drivers license department to get a certain answer on this one.
Not diagnosed with epilepsy but have had 3 seizures in 4 years can I get DOT Medical card if I am on anti-seizure meds and do not require a CDL for my job
You will fall under your states variances and not FMCSA. Check with your local drivers license department to verify what they will need before going for the medical card examination. Also make sure you explain the type of driving that you will be doing to the medical examiner.
I emailed you the certificate on 1/26/16 showing that I got the dot medical certificate done on 6/15/2015. I have just received from the company that I work for that it isn’t showing up as being done and that its expiring on 3/20/16. Is there any way that I can have confirmation that you received my email? I would hate to lose my certification even though I have taken my DOT physical.
Thank you
Stop by your local DMV and have them check. (make sure you bring your med/cert), and if it has not been updated, ask them if they will merge it right there.,
If my medical certificate has expired will I be able to go take a Class A DOT physical and send the completed physical information into the State and have it reinstated?
What is the grace period after your med card expires before you have your CDL downgraded?
Each state is different so you’ll need to call your DLD and ask.