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Missouri CDL Requirements
All Missouri CDL holders are required to certify the type of commercial operation they’re engaged in.
Interstate Non-Excepted
You must meet the Federal DOT medical certificate requirements.
Intrastate Non-Excepted
You must meet the Federal DOT medical certificate requirements.
Under the federal regulations, all CDL holders are required to self certify to a single type of commercial operation. Based on that self-certification, you may need to provide a current medical examiner’s certificate and show any variance (FMCSA waiver) you may have in order to obtain or keep your CDL.
CDL holders required to have a “certified” medical status who fail to produce and keep up-to-date their medical examiner’s certificate with the Department will become “not-certified” and they may lose their CDL.
CDL retesting may not be required unless you voluntarily downgrade your license or let your CDL license remain expired for more than six months.
Submitting your Medical Certificate to Missouri License Office
When requested, submit a copy of your valid DOT medical certificate.
Other Information:
Website: Missouri Department of Revenue Driver Licensing
CDL Medical Certification Requirements
Special Information Updates Pertaining To ALL STATES
The FMCSA has requested that all medical examiners continue providing drivers with a paper copy of the Medical Examiner’s Certificate – Form MCSA-5876, so that Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders can provide a copy to the State licensing agency, and the non-CDL drivers can provide the documentation to their employers and Federal and State enforcement officials.
The Agency is currently completing efforts to put into place an electronic system to enable medical examiners to transmit the medical certificate information from the National Registry system to the State licensing agencies.
Until that system is completed, which compliance date according FMCSA is June 23, 2025, medical examiners must continue to issue paper copies of the medical certificates to drivers who pass the medical exam.
Commercial Drivers – You still need to carry a paper copy of your medical card, until FMCSA announces that this is no longer necessary.
Your Feedback Is Welcome
Dealing with Federal DOT Regulations across the board is tough enough!
But when it comes to State Regulations — There are 50 different sets of rules. Someone could move the goal posts at any time…
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NOTE: This website is not affiliated with, or endorsed by FMCSA or any government or state agency.
I was in a accident and can’t go back to work yet but I need to renew my driver license and I don’t have an up to date medical card. Can I renew my CDL without a up to date card. I live in Missouri
@ Dane
Probably not, but confirm with your local drivers license department. Explain your situation, they should have a process that will work for you.
I have to do physical for dot every yr and echo stress every 2. My question is when I go for my regular dot and they say I’m good but still say I need a dr. note from my heart Dr. that I’m good do drive. My medical card doesn’t expire for another week and a half and now I can’t drive till I get my heart dr to say I can still drive. Dot was gonna give me 45 day grace to get it done but my company says I can’t drive cause it voided my license since I have to have Dr note to say I’m good. Is this true. I live in missouri.
@ Larry
For a class A cdl, DOT/FMCSA. If you have not done your medical certification examination yet, then your medical card is still good and you can drive. And you will need the medical release form from your heart doctor. If you have had a recent examination and the CME is waiting for a medical release form, then you should either have a short medical card, (90 days) to get it done. If no short card, then the company is, theoretically, correct. Get the medical release form, asap, and you will be OK.
I just renewed my Missouri license CDL I dropped my hazmat because I am now retired and do not need it. I would like to keep my CDL for personal use. No commercial driving. Do I still need medical card?
@ Russ D
Confirm with your local DLD. Most states require a valid medical card to maintain a cdl.
One of my students is getting her CLP but her Med card expires in 15 days. What happens if her med card expires while holding a CLP and have not yet obtained a CDL/
@ Robert McG
It should not be an issue to get a new medical card and then have it upgraded for her cdl when she gets it.
I am out of work on workers comp and my medical card has now expired. The physical doc won’t do a new physical until I’m released from workers comp. I may be out for more than the 60 day grace period. What can I do to stay in compliance? Is there a waiver or extension I can get until I am cleared to get my physical?
@ Derek
Best to speak with your local DLD, explain your situation and then follow their process.
How do I submit my medical certificate to the state of Missouri? The old one expired two weeks ago but I’m out of state but I do have a new one.
@ Partick R
Get in touch with Missouri drivers license department (DLD) for guidance and information.
I have a class a CDL license in Missouri my medical card has been out for about a year can I just go get a physical and get my license reinstated or do I have to retest
@ Ronnie
You will need to confirm your choices with your local DLD.
I was told by a DOT officer that if I didn’t cross a state line I didn’t need a medical card because I was grandfathered in because I had my chauffeur license since 1968
@ Jim
Okey dokey. May be true in your state. I would still confirm that statement with your local DLD.
What is the cost to renew my dot medical card in the state of Missouri?
Hello, how long do I have to renew for dat physical after it expires? I’m a class a cdl driver and I have the physical done but won’t be able to make it until the weekend after it expires on my cdl
@ Devin S
Each state is different, but you should be fine if you get it done and turned in ASAP.
Can I submit my medical card online
@ Carl K
Check with your local DLD for your answer.
My spouse had a stroke awhile back. His doctor released him to go back to work with no restrictions. Does he have to get a release from dot as well. Or is the doctors release all he needs?
@ Sally G
For a class A interstate driver, DOT/FMCSA has a one year waiting period following a stroke. Then he will need a new DOT medical certification examination and a medical release form from his doctors before returning to driving.