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Who can I go to, to get my DOT medical card?
Can I go to my own doctor to get my DOT physical or do I have to use my company doctor?
What’s the difference between a DOT Doctor and a Medical Examiner?
How long does it take to get my medical certificate?
What’s involved in a DOT physical?
What would cause me to fail a DOT physical?
When I do my DOT physical do I have to get completely naked?
Who pays for the DOT Physical Examination? Me. Company. Insurance?
If I don’t have medical insurance can I still get a DOT physical?
How much does a DOT physical exam cost without insurance?
Why do I have to have a urine test for a DOT physical?
Can I get a copy of my DOT physical form?
How long is the DOT medical card good for?
How many 3-month DOT medical cards can you have?
Is there a difference between a DOT physical card and a DOT medical certificate?
How do overweight truck drivers pass the DOT physical?
What if I’m disqualified – may I request another DOT physical?
What if I don’t disclose a medical condition when I go through the DOT physical exam?
Who can I go to, to get my DOT medical card?
Interstate drivers: CMV drivers who drive interstate, must get Federal medical certificates from a medical examiner who is FMCSA National Registry Certified. (Find a registered CME)
Intrastate drivers: Each individual State makes the determination as to whether or not intrastate drivers must be examined by a certified ME listed on the National Registry. To avoid hassles it’s our recommendation that you find a registered CME.
Can I go to my own doctor to get my DOT physical or do I have to use my company doctor?
This will depend on the company policy. Your company may require you to use their company doctor for your DOT physical exam. If this is not a requirement, you may go to any medical examiner who is certified on the FMCSA National Registry.
What’s the difference between a DOT Doctor and a Medical Examiner?
There is no difference, these terms are used interchangeably. The terms Medical Examiner, Certified Medical Examiner, and CME are now being used since the federal regulation came into force on May 21, 2014. Drivers will not be able to go to just any healthcare provider for your DOT physical. You must go to a Certified Medical Examiner on the FMCSA National Registry.
How long does it take to get my medical certificate?
It should take 30-45 minutes to go through the physical examination. Provided there are no medical concerns the medical examiner will be able to certify you and issue your medical certificate.
If the medical examiner has concerns about a potential, current or past medical condition you may be required to see a specialist for additional medical tests or get documentation from your treating physician. In this case the medical examiner will not be able to complete the DOT physical exam until these requirements have been fully met.
Be Prepared! Find out what you should know before you get to your DOT physical appointment.
What’s involved in a DOT physical?
The DOT physical exam is considered a “Medical Fitness for Duty” exam for the demands of the job required of any commercial driver, not just the driver’s current job duties. The medical examiner’s role is to determine if a CMV driver’s health meets FMCSA standards.
The examining doctor has these two questions foremost in mind when conducting the physical exam:
- Can the driver safely meet the physical and mental demands of the job today, and for the period for which the medical card will be issued?
- Does the driver have any past or current medical conditions, which may impact the ability to meet the demands of the job now or in the future?
The DOT physical is an extensive medical examination to determine if you are qualified to safely operate a commercial vehicle. The best way to understand the DOT Physical Examination is to relate the medical requirements to the demands of your job as a commercial driver. The full extent of these are explained in Trucker Docs™ special guidebook to getting your medical certificate.
What would cause me to fail a DOT physical?
Any condition that would cause a loss of ability to control, operate, or drive a commercial vehicle safely – loss or impairment of limbs, poor visual or auditory acuity, insulin-controlled diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory disfunction, epilepsy, mental disorder, use of certain drugs, alcoholism.
The DOT physical is an extensive examination. The full extent is explained in Trucker Docs’ special guidebook. Any disease, disorder, injury, or medication could cause you to fail if they present a risk to public safety.
When I do my DOT physical do I have to get completely naked?
No. There is no reason to get naked. Loose clothing will suffice for the examining physician to be able to complete all aspects of the DOT physical exam.
Who pays for the DOT Physical Examination? Me, my employer, my insurance?
There is no set answer here.
Sometimes the driver pays.
Some companies will pay for it, some will not. So check with your company because some require that you use their company doctor.
Some insurance companies treat this exam as preventative health care and will not reimburse for it. Sometimes the driver will pay, and may submit the receipt to their insurance for reimbursement, if the insurance will pay.
If I don’t have medical insurance can I still get a DOT physical?
Yes. You do not need medical insurance to get a DOT Physical.
How much does a DOT physical exam cost without insurance?
Currently we’ve seen DOT physicals charged anywhere between $50 and $300. The new FMCSA Medical Examination Forms (2016) and reporting system have increased administrative work and time for medical examiners, and costs for the DOT physical exam are rising accordingly.
Why do I have to have a urine test for a DOT physical?
The urine test is just a kidney screen to test for sugar and protein. It’s done to determine that there is no early onset of conditions like high blood pressure breaking down the kidneys, or early signs of diabetes, or kidney infection.
Can I get a copy of my DOT physical form?
Yes. As well as receiving your medical certificate you should also get a copy of the long form (Medical Examination Report). The medical examiner is required to keep a copy of these documents for three years. If you need a copy you should contact the medical examiner. Contact information is on your medical card.
How long is the DOT medical card good for?
A DOT medical card is valid for two years if you have no restrictions. A history of high blood pressure, taking high blood pressure medications, a sleep disorder, and taking oral medications for diabetes can restrict the medical card to one year or less, depending on how frequently the condition needs monitoring.
How many 3-month DOT medical cards can you have?
One only. You should have the condition, which caused the restriction, under control by the end of the 3-month window.
With the typical 3-month medical card, you needed to do something to bring some physical condition under control. If you did that, and you go back to see your last DOT examiner, he can issue you a new medical card for typically one year. If you didn’t fix the issue, he can choose not to extend the card. So get the condition taken care of and don’t have to worry about short term medical cards.
Is there a difference between a DOT physical card and a DOT medical certificate?
No. These terms are used interchangeably. They are most often referred to as a DOT medical certificate when referring to the medical card, and DOT physical when referring to the DOT physical exam.
I lost my medical card. How do I go about getting another one? Do I have to do the DOT physical again?
No you do not have to do the physical exam again. The medical examiner is required to keep a copy of the exam documents for three years. If you need a replacement medical card you should contact the medical examiner.
How do overweight truck drivers pass the DOT physical?
Being overweight is not a restriction to passing the DOT physical exam. It is the medical conditions that being overweight eventually leads to, such as high blood pressure, heart disease and kidney disease, that may affect your ability to safely drive a commercial vehicle. That is what the DOT Physical exam will determine – whether you have any of these restrictive medical conditions. Getting healthy and staying healthy is your best guarantee for your life and your livelihood.
Does the DOT physical require a driver to be completely healthy… does that include sexually transmitted diseases?
No. An STD will not affect a DOT examination.
What if I’m disqualified – may I request another DOT physical?
This really depends on why you were disqualified.
Doc shopping used to be what folks did, but that is changing with DOT and FMCSA. If all medical examiners are following the guidelines and regulations, then it would not matter where you go, you would still be disqualified if the same situation exists.
If the disqualification seems unreasonable, and you feel you are truly fit enough to safely drive a CMV, then discuss the concerning condition with the medical examiner, and ask for options that may help you to be reconsidered for certification.
Second opinion: A driver always has the option of getting a second opinion. If the qualification restrictions or disqualification seems unreasonable, and you feel you are truly fit enough to safely drive a CMV, you should find a different clinic to get a second opinion. The new examination decision supersedes the previous examination.
What if I don’t disclose a medical condition when I go through the DOT physical exam?
When you complete the health history section on the long form you must certify that your responses are complete and true. Making a false statement for concealing a disqualifying condition may invalidate the examination and any medical certificate issued, based on it.
What about “shopping” for a DOT doctor who will be “lenient” on the qualifiers for DOT medical certification?
Some drivers used to do “shopping around”. Starting 2016, the FMCSA reporting system with the National Registry will have the capability to flag multiple exams, identify missing or false information reported by the driver in the Driver Health History section of the MER Form, MCSA-5875, and make a determination to void the driver’s MEC, Form MCSA-5876, if appropriate.
It isn’t an issue of lenience. It’s an issue of whether you, as a driver, are safe and medically fit to operate a commercial motor vehicle. It’s about safety for you and the public at large. Do what you need to do to be medically fit to pass the DOT examination and don’t worry about finding a lenient DOT doctor.
Second opinion: A driver always has the option of getting a second opinion. If the qualification restrictions or disqualification seems unreasonable, and you feel you are truly fit enough to safely drive a CMV, you should find a different clinic to get a second opinion. The new examination decision supersedes the previous examination.
Certified medical examiners are now required to understand the role of a commercial driver. The doctor who understands the lifestyle and job challenges of a driver, should really want to help you alleviate conditions that could potentially threaten not only your livelihood, but also your life, and possibly the lives of others if a catastrophic event could occur. So if you need a second opinion, look for a medical examiner who considers the big picture of fit for duty rather than one who does a checklist exam.
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Your comments are also welcome.
Can I keep my medical card if I get a pacemaker
@ Bruce H
Yes, you will need to provide medical documentation and a medical release form from your cardiologist. Your medical card will be good for one year at a time from this point forward.
Is there a difference between a Transit Bus Driver DOT physical and a regular DOT physical
@ Fred G. Di M
The physical is the same, but the guidelines and requirements may vary from state to state. Best check your local drivers license department.
I have been in a Motorcycle accident and I am out of work until October/November My medical card expires July 18, 2024 Today
Is there any way I can put a hold on that?
@ Franco
No way to put it on hold. Best to contact your local DLD and explain your situation. They will have a process that you will need to follow.
Can an employer require me to go through a “fitness for duty” exam after I failed a non-DOT drug test for marijuana?
@ Frank
That would be company policy not federal DOT/FMCSA.
Must my Medical Examiner be located in the state that issued my license?
@ David A. D
No, your medical card can be done in any state as long as it is done by a certified medical examiner (CME) on the national registry.
I had a 2 year DOT med card. It was reduced to a 1 year card (high blood pressure). Is it possible to have it reinstated to a 2 year card again?
@ GT
It may be hard to get it back to two years. The wording in the intake forms are ‘a history of high blood pressure’. It should be evaluated on a case by case basis.
What if the cpap was malfunctioning doing the compliance period? For example got my compliance report for cpap usasage. The reported a large leak average time of leakage 90 minutes per usage day. It affected my 4 hr per day usage factor.Thus it showed a usage percent of only 65.6% Even though percentage of days used was 98.9% in a ninety day period.
@ Leonard L
Explain the situation and provide any supporting documentation to the CME and you should be fine
I am currently going through testing for sleep apnea and was only given a 3 month card till July 11th. It’s been extremely hard to get appointments and was scheduled for a lab test on July 3rd which may put me past July 11th for results. Am I able to get an extension on my medical card?
@ Mike
You might go back to the examiner and explain your situation. It will be up to the CME as to how he/she wants to handle it.
Ok so it’s pretty much up to them? There is no law saying it can’t be extended. I’m extremely nervous and don’t want to be out of work.
@ Mike
Yes, given the situation and you are working to be as compliant as possible, they may give you another 90 days to get things sorted out.
Am I required to have a DOT Medical Certificate if I am paid to drive a 12 passenger van? I do not have a CDL. And even if the 12 passenger van has less than 9 passengers in it?
@ Roy
This question is going to be best answered by your local drivers license department.
How many days after receiving a DOT Physical long form does a Class A CDL holder have to Self Certify with the State of Arkansas?
@ Mark M. H
This is best answered by your local DLD. We would say, do it ASAP. Why wait?
Question, the dot place that my company sent me to wants me to have forms filled out before they pass me, and they flagged me til I get the forms to them, even when my dot med card was still valid,
Can I go to my doctor to get my physical done or do I have to go back to the other
@ Tarrett S
You can go to any certified medical examiner that is on the national registry with FMCSA.
i was asked by the DOT examiner to have forms filled out by some of my doctors. But some of the doctors like my primary and endocrinologist say that they are not licensed to fill out the form, or that some of the questions don’t pertain to her. At this time I don’t know what to do. This is for pre-employment drug testing and DOT med card. I have a great opportunity for a great job.
another thing I’m questioning is why can’t I use the existing Med card that does not expired till November of this year?
@ wondering R
Your primary and secondary doctors do not understand the request for information. It is the CME, not DOT/FMCSA, who is requesting additional information. It is used to aid in his/her decision making process. The CME will utilize their information in combination with DOT/FMCSA regulation/guidelines to determine your qualifications for your medical card. Try to help them understand the request.
Your current medical card (11/24) is still valid until you test again. Once you take a new medical certification examination, then your old medical card becomes invalid.
Are drivers who obtained a CDL prior to 2000
“Grandfathered” in and therefore don’t have to carry the medical certification or have a DOT physical everyb2vyears?
And why do CDL drivers employed by municipalities or government entities get a free pass on this requirement that is directly related to everyone’s safety on the roads?
@ Mary C
If they were grandfathered in, then the DOT/FMCSA provided a letter to present at the time of a medical examination. Why certain states allow municipalities to operate without a medical card, is a state related situation. We do not understand the thinking for this either.
If the driver medical condition change from time of the first DOT medical exam and their medical condition has change before the renewal date. Does the driver got to report the change in medication to the employer and then be re-evaluated. Such medical condition that require pain meds that are not allow.
@ Mack c
I’ve been bladder cancer free since 2020, and every check up I had since then, no bladder cancer. I went for a pre employment DOT Physical at concentra and the doctor only gave me a 3 month medical card, I asked her to show me where it states that in the regulations, She told me she does not have to. which I have one I took on 07/28/23 and that Doctor gave me a 2 yr medical card. I cannot find anything in the DOT regulations on giving you a 3 month medical card for having bladder cancer in the past. Now I might not get this job, Where do I stand on this.
@ James T
Not sure why anyone uses this ‘this Doc in a Box’ facility for DOT/FMCSA driver physicals. There isn’t a DOT/FMCSA regulation for your situation, only a guideline. They don’t have to show you the regulation because there isn’t one.
If I have a 6 month medical card do I need to return to the same medical examiner? My company has recently changed providers and this doctor is out of network.
@ Richard K
You can go to any CME on the National Registry.
can i pass dot medical with low bp 98 over 69
@ jeffery y
It would be advisable to bring a note from your primary physician indicating that this is a normal for you.
Hey there,
I am retired, I still want to carry my class a cdl just in case. Do I need to have the medical card even though I’m not driving a commercial vehicle. My drivers license is up for renewal.
@ Dennis R
Most state require a valid medical card to maintain a class A cdl. Confirm this with your local DLD.
If a person is incarcerated and can’t do a medical physical. Is there anyway to get around that to avoid getting license cancelled?
@ Shinelle R
Most states will not cancel the cdl, but may put it into suspension until a medical card is reported. There is no way around not getting the physical while you are in jail.
As a trailer driver for over 50 years I find it incredible that we need a dot physical, we need to be registered, we need go to a special doctor who can perform our physicals, but, they do not report to the state of Ct, whether we passed or not. The self certification process in Ct is unbelievable, the website id not working, the fax number is no good. I spent all day trying to get my new medical card to the state. I finally paid to have it sent registered mail so the state would have it before my old one ran out. It has been 4 days and I am still showing that the old one expires in 2 days. WHY is this so difficult ??????????????? why can’t the Dr. just send it in to the state. MORE THAN FRUSTRATED !!!
@ jeff g
Welcome to the machine system. Most of our doctors will try to send it to the state, if possible. And most states are running behind 2 to 6 weeks. If you have a valid medical card in your possession, then you are good for now, just keep an eye out for it to be state registered.
I got my first mdot card in May 2023. The doctor wanted me to get a sleep study but I have to have a referral from my doctor for that. We had just moved so I had to establish a new doctor. The card expired in Aug and I had a cardiology appointment with my established cardiologist just after the 1st expire. They gave me a new card with a new expiration date but my cardiologist was 2 hrs away so they wanted me to become established with someone around my new hometown. I had to find a new pcp and couldn’t get into that doctor until Oct 31 he referred me to a sleep study doctor but they do not have anything until Feb 13. I made that appointment and I am on a cancellation list. The dot doctor will now not extend my dot card because they said mdot will not allow it. My overall health is good and bp has been under control for over 5 yrs. I thought you could get dot cards for every 3 or 6 mo whatever the doctor wants to do. Is this a dot matter or is the doctor just not wanting to extend my dot? This is my job and I can’t be without one until Feb. do you know how I can get an extension so I can keep working?
@ Mindy
Unless you feel you may have obstructive sleep apnea, we would recommend you go get a second opinion from another certified medical examiner.