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ask your question in the comments section below.
What if I’ve have a Myocardial Infarction (MI)?
What if I’ve have coronary artery bypass surgery?
What if I’ve have angioplasty surgery or stents?
What if I’ve have ventricular tachycardia?
Can I get a DOT medical card if I have a defibrillator?
What if I take nitroglycerine for angina?
My medical certificate only expires in nine months. What if I recently developed a medical condition that I couldn’t drive. Can I drive truck again now?
Even if you currently have a ‘current’ medical certificate, you are prohibited from driving a CMV with any medical condition that would be disqualifying or may interfere with the safe operation of a CMV. Once a disqualifying medical condition is resolved, and before resuming operation of CMVs, you are responsible for obtaining re-certification from a Medical Examiner.
What if I’ve have a Myocardial Infarction (MI)?
You will need to be off work for at least two months. You will need to get an Ejection Fraction and Exercise Tolerance Test, and be cleared by your cardiologist before returning to work. This is a disqualifying medical condition, so once it is resolved, and before resuming operation of a CMV, you are responsible for obtaining re-certification from a Medical Examiner.
What if I’ve have coronary artery bypass surgery?
You will need to be off work for at least three months. You will need to get an Ejection Fraction and Exercise Tolerance Test, and be cleared by your cardiologist before returning to work. This is a disqualifying medical condition, so once it is resolved, and before resuming operation of a CMV, you are responsible for obtaining re-certification from a Medical Examiner.
What if I’ve have angioplasty surgery or stents?
You may return to work once you’ve been cleared by your cardiologist, which may be as soon as one week after the procedure. You will need to get an Exercise Tolerance Test three to six months after the procedure, and again at least every other year. This is a disqualifying medical condition, so once it is resolved, and before resuming operation of a CMV, you are responsible for obtaining re-certification from a Medical Examiner.
What if I’ve have ventricular tachycardia?
If you have recurring episodes you should be evaluated by a cardiologist to see if the underlying cause of the ventricular tachycardia is disqualifying.
Can I get a DOT medical card if I have a defibrillator?
The defibrillator is a disqualifier for inter-state driving. The defibrillator is designed to correct problems when they occur, but it still leaves a safety risk.
You may be able to drive inter-state, based on your state’s regulations.
What if I take nitroglycerine for angina?
Taking nitroglycerine is, of itself, not a disqualifier. The medical examiner may require an evaluation by your treating physician to make sure that your angina is stable.
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Your comments are also welcome.
Glen G says
I had a pacemaker put in on March 7, 2022. It does not have a defibrillator. I have a CDL class 8. What do I need to do to be able to get back to work ASAP ?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Glen G
Since you are under the states guidelines and variances, not federal DOT/FMCSA, you will need a return to work notification. Your state may have some requirements that must be met, so check with your local drivers license department for guidance.
Chris says
I just recently had congested heart failure and congested pulmonary failure will this disqualify me to get my CDL a
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Chris
Your cdl A is a state issued license, but you must be able to pass the federal DOT/FMCSA medical certification examination. This will be more difficult with your conditions and will require medical documentation and releases from your physicians.
Terry says
I have cdl -a, been told that I need a pacemaker. Otherwise healthy will I still be able to keep my cdl. Live in Washington state. Thank’s
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Terry
Pacemakers are not too big an issue. It is the defibrillator that becomes the issue. You will need a medical release, without restrictions or limitations, to get a new medical card.
Troy says
It’s funny I’ve been in a big truck for 37 years without a chargeable accident but when I had my pacer/defib.put in.I was disqualified and done driving that day. They say because of what could happen if defib did go off I would have a higher chance being incapacitated.. Using that reasoning shouldn’t all rookie drivers be disqualified because there’s a much,much higher chance that new driver is gonna have an accident causing a fatality or serious injury than I would.Do you see where I’m going here. If we start going by statistics than there are many groups such as age,sex,race that if they have higher rates of accidents shouldn’t they be disqualified No because they would be crying they were being discriminated against as they should. I guess my govt.making a rule that restricts my ability to make a living and support my family is unamerican but the truck driver gets it in the hiney again.
jackie says
If i have been diagnosed with afib, is this a problem
Trucker Docs™ says
@ jackie
It will raise questions and may require some medical documentation from your physicians, but is not an instant disqualifier.
Robert C says
Hi, I have a driver that needs to have a pace-maker surgically put in and I’m just trying to confirm that he CAN return to work (class-8 CDL, Inter-State). after release from his Cardiologist and completes a new DOT physical, am I correct?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Robert C
He should be fine to return, once fully recovered and a new medical examination is completed.
ED B says
I live Nebraska and am applying for a job that requires driving a 16 passenger bus. I have not had a CDL before so not sure what class I need. I had a pacemaker implanted about three years ago but do not have defibulator. Does the pacemaker disqualify my from getting a CDL? Thank you
Trucker Docs™ says
@ ED B
Since your cdl will be less than a class A, you will fall under your states guidelines and variances, not federal DOT/FMCSA. In that case you should not have any problems getting your cdl. Make sure you explain that you are not a class A driver when you go for the physical. The examiner has to know the difference between federal requirements and states requirements.
David A says
I’m interested in applying for a shuttle driving position at the airport and it requires a DOT medical card but no CDL. I am a heart transplant patient 17 yrs post op. Can I apply or am I disqualified?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ David A
You should not have any problems with this. Make sure the examiner knows you are a non-cdl holder driving a shuttle bus, not a class A cdl holder. He must know the differences between what the state needs and what the federal DOT/FMCSA requirements are.
David says
I have had a triple bypass 7 years ago. Have had a stress test every year for the past three years . Do i still need to take a stress test every year or every 2 years. Reason I’m asking i just took a Dot return to work physical for my company. After a shoulder repair, ask that Dr. About it because i knew my Dot Cdl was coming in June 2022,he looked at my stress test and he said i only had to take them every two years,that is my question,every year or every two years.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ David
Every two years, according to the DOT/FMCSA.
Cheryl says
I’ve drove boss for 25 years, I have to have a pacemaker and defibrillator, I know that dis disqualifies me from driving school bus but my question is can I be a bus monitor
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Cheryl
First, have you confirmed with your states drivers license department that you are disqualified as a school bus driver? For a class A, this is true, but at the state level it may not be true. And your question is going to be best answered by your DLD.
Ray says
I have had my CDL for 32 years. Can I obtain a recertification medical card if I have gained weight. I am still very physical feel healthy not suffering from anything other than I can’t seem to lose weight because in the past 2 years I bought my own truck. And truck stop food is not healthy. I don’t have trouble sleeping I don’t fall asleep or get sleepy at red lights or stop signs.( How could you? In these times a driver must be alert. Because everyone else is texting and driving.) My neck is 20″. I’m 5’9′ 330lbs. But like I say my only problem is my belt buckle digs in my belly after long drives. So I take breaks more often. I recognize the older you get your body changes. So I no longer drink beer, smoking is not an issue. My rig now has freezer and refrigerator. So I will carry my own healthy food from home. My concern is with my recertification coming up soon. Is there anything I can do to keep from having to do a cpap or sleep study because of my neck size, and belly fat.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Ray
It seems that the ‘doc in a box’ and chain like facilities are sleep testing happy. It’s a conflict of interest issue. There is money to be made. And if for some reason you do present with the multitude of possible symptoms of OSA, then any good CME is going to request a sleep study. Best bet is to look for one of our driver friendly CME’s. They seem to have a better understanding of the federal rules and the states regulations. The beauty of the federal medical certification examination is that you can have it taken in any state. Just make sure you get your part back to your state and registered as soon as possible.
vicki s says
I am a school bus driver in Pennsylvania. I recently had aortic valve replacement and I’m doing very well in my recovery I am in cardiac rehab right now and they are telling me that I have to reach a level seven on a stress test in order to keep my school bus endorsement I’m not sure this is true I think they are thinking I have a DOT and I do not drive out of state. Can you please tell me At what level I need to be on a stress test to pass and keep my school bus endorsement. Thank you very much. Also I have a class B cdl
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Vicki s
Your cdl falls under your states regulations and variances, not federal DOT/FMCSA. You will get the best answer from your local drivers license department.
KH says
Can a public school bus driver in Arizona, return to work after a triple heart bypass?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ KH
Since you fall under your states guidelines and variances, your best answer will come from your local drivers license department.
Troy says
I drive a box truck in new Jersey I have a class B Cdl but no cdl is required for this truck . I don’t have a medical card and 10 months ago had a DEFIBRILLATOR put in but never has it needed to activate am I required to have a medical card although the truck is not a cdl required and I have been driving it for 22 years and if so would I be disqualified from driving it due to the DEFIBRILLATOR implant 10 months ago
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Troy
Since you are a class B cdl holder, you fall under your states requirements and guidelines, not federal DOT/FMCSA. So your best answer is going to come from your local drivers license department
Ashley says
How long do I have to wait to go back to work after a heart ablation?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Ashley
Depending on which area of the heart and for which situation. Once fully recovered and a full release to return to work, without restrictions or limitations, you can take your new DOT/FMCSA medical certification examination. The CME may request further medical documentation, depending on the area of the ablation. This aids him/her in the decision making process.
Pastor Isaiah W. M says
Can you drive with an LVAD with no issues in 18 months. My defibrillator is turned off all the LVAD.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Pastor Isaiah W. M
It will require supporting medical documentation from your cardiologist, but it is possible.
Terri K says
I received a new stent after 2 from 18 yrs ago and a first heart attack how long til I can go back to work when my cardiologist released me?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Terri K
Once fully healed and released to return to work, without restrictions or limitations, you should be fine to return to driving. The CME may request additional supporting documentation from your cardiologist, only to support his decision making process.
Angela S says
Can I pass the DOT Physical in Virginia if I have AFIB diagnosis? I don’t have any pacemakers or defibrillators.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Angela S
It is possible, but will require documentation from your cardiologist. The CME will need this information during his decision making process.
John B says
I am a school bus driver in a district owned fleet. I had a mild heart attack 5 yrs ago. Our examiner doesn’t issue medical cards because as district owned we are exempt. Examiner still requires a stress test every two years even though my cardiologist says it’s not necessary. Since I have exempt status do I have to take the stress test every two years. Cost is out of pocket and is high. I am in Missouri…
Trucker Docs™ says
@ John B
unless you are a class A cdl holder, you fall under the states guidelines and variances, not federal DOT/FMCSA. Check with your state DLD first to determine if you need to carry a medical card for bus driving. If so, make sure the medical examiner understands the difference between state and federal requirements.
Brandon L says
I was in the process of getting hired to drive an ADA Mini bus for the local transit company, but was denied the DOT medical card because I have a defibrillator. My health is close to 100% and even with a Doctors note from my cardiologist I was denied. Because of not needing a CDL for the position, why was I denied the DOT medical card?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Brandon L
The examiner does not know the difference between class A, federal DOT/FMCSA, and your states requirements. Go else where, make sure the examiner know the difference and you should be fine.