Worried about getting your DOT Medical Certificate?
Anxious about the DOT Physical Examination?
Concerned about the appointment? Will you pass or fail?
Will you need to go back for further evaluation?
Stressed about conditions like diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and what this means for your future as a commercial driver?
Not sure where to find a DOT doctor?
(New Federal regulations state that after May 21, 2014, CMV drivers can get medical certificates only from a National Registry Certified Medical Examiner)
Here’s What You Need To Know:
When you know the rules you’ll be able to get your DOT Medical Certificate with as few hassles as possible.
How to be on the “same page” as the doctor, and relate the demands of your job to the physical examination.
Everything you need to bring to your appointment so you can get it done right, first time.
What to expect so there are “no surprises” during the DOT Physical Examination.
What additional information to bring if you have/had a medical condition that has restrictions.
How to go about getting the required information from your primary care physician, if necessary.
Understand the Medical Certificate qualification periods, and where you fit in.
What about waivers and exemptions.
Where to go if you still need more answers.
Find a Certified Medical Examiner that’s convenient for you.
What Drivers Are Saying…
Allen & Rita, OTR drivers, WA.
As a team driving for Landstar we found this booklet a great help to prepare for our DOT physicals.
We definitely recommend this booklet to any driver, especially new drivers who have not had a DOT physical yet!
It helped to know what to expect and what we needed to bring with us.
Know Before You Go!
Eliminate The Hassles!
Don’t go to your DOT Physical Exam before you’ve read this guidebook. Prepare for everything we’ve outlined! Then it’ll just be a matter of you and a Certified Medical Examiner getting together at the appointment and checking through each item on the Medical Examination Report (Long Form).
Get It Done Right, First Time!
Have everything you need for the appointment! When you and the Medical Examiner are “on the same page”, and you have everything you need to meet all the standards and requirements, you should be done with the DOT Physical Examination and set with your Medical Certificate in about 30 to 45 minutes.
Grab a Complimentary Copy (A $15 value, free)
Know Before You Go!
Can I take a dot physical while I’m short term disability? My card issued in illinois, which expires in a few days. Is there any ramifications to having my medical card expire?
@ Stan
No, you are not qualified to take a medical certification examination while on disability. DOT/FMCSA has extended the grace period to the end of August.
My husband is a cdl driver and we just found out he has a cancerous mass on his colon. He since has got the mass removed but has to do 6 months of Chemotherapy.
Will he still be able to have his CDL while having the treatments these next 6 months? Also does having Cancer disqualify a person from obtaining and/or keeping their CDL?
@ Krystie C
His CDL is a state issued document, so most likely he will continue to hold it. Most states require a valid medical card to maintain a cdl, so make sure his medical card stays updated until his chemo is completed.
I have a violation at the clearing hose will i still able to renew my medical card?
@ Luis
Most likely.
I just got my medical certificate so I can work for fedex am I suppose to go to the dmv to get the small dot card for my wallet or can I get it online
@ Jon
You should have been provided a medical card at the end of the examination.
Free guidebook link does not work. It just returns to top of page.
@ Bob
Did you put your email address in as required?
Your link for the Guidebook does not work; it just keeps taking me back to the top of the page.
@ Lori
We checked at our end and it works fine. Try refreshing your browser.
My nerologists is un aware about the opion letter so I can move forward to get back to work. He not convinced that I may or may not have another stroke. Well what about msy or m as not weather one individual has a heart attack. How can anyone put your lively hood on hold with a miss understanding of would you been doing for the last 35 years. All I know is I will lose my truck and better off putting a bullet between my eyes. Catch 22.its been 13 months no other TIA’s and passed a dot physical. But waiting for a nerologist to submit an opion. He has anothervusit schedule middle of may. It’s been 6 months since I seen him last. He never told me or my wife that I had a second stroke while in the hospital for ten days. Until two months ago. When I asked him. What happen when I went from ICU to the step down then four days later back up to ICU. I like OH. Would you trust your nerologist yo give your dot examiner an opinion. This is America folks and our health care at its best???
@ Martin W
If it has been 13 months since your stroke, then ask for a medical release form to return to work. Let his office know that they are holding you up from working.
Thank you.
@ Greg
You are welcome.
Is there a FMCSA guideline or regulation number that explains the ruling that you can only get one 3 month medical certificate? If I have to show this to a driver or my boss i would like to have it in writing from the FMCSA.
@ Greg
Download the medical examiners handbook from DOT/FMCSA. What you are looking for will be within the sections on blood pressure and hypertension.
I hurt my back around 5yrs ago and my doctor put me on pain meds and I got addicted to them. So I went to a doctor and he put me on Suboxone. Will this Disqualified me from getting my DOT even if I get my doctor to write a letter. I live in New Jersey. Thank you;
@ Michael B
For a class A cdl, it is going to be difficult to pass the medical certification examination, even with a letter from your prescribing doctor. Lesser class cdl’s will not be as difficult.
Looking to send Three of our drivers there for medical cards. Are they drug tested?
@ Michael B
Only if the employer request drug testing. It is not part of the DOT/FMCSA protocol. Urine testing of the medical card evaluates for blood, protein, and sugar.
Is there a grace period for an expiring medical certification card ?
@ Neal D
End of February, for now.
Why the urinalysis
@ Jeffery
To make sure you are clean. Also checks for blood, sugar and protein.
My husband’s employer in CA is now requiring that all their drivers (none of them have a CDL, just a regular DL license since they all use their personal vehicles for work and are reimbursed for gas and mileage). He takes medication for ADHD (Concerta/methylphenidate HCI) and has for the last 25 years. Will this cause him to fail taking the physical for DOT? Even the military didn’t have an issue with him being on the ADHD medication, and he drove big trucks/heavy equipment for them as well as worked on fighter jets for 25 years. He’s also been working at getting healthier by losing weight, eating better, etc., so all his other numbers like BP and such are great. And why would the employees need a DOT physical suddenly now since they’ve never needed one since he started working for this company several years ago. Did some law in California change?
@ Henny B
Your husband will fall under the states guidelines and regulations, not federal DOT/FMCSA. Best to confirm with your local drivers license department for any guidance, if needed.
Failed my eye exam . But before I left the office she told me I had to take the whole exam over again she said New DOT rule
Is that right.
@ Patrick R
This is not a new ruling from DOT/FMCSA. Some office will simply accept the new eye examination findings, but FMCSA does recommend that a complete examination be done if you were not placed on a pending results status. The examiner has the option in this case.
My brother has been driving truck for 25 years in Pennsylvania. Last week he had a physical to renew his CDL. They revoked his license because he has a mild form of muscular dystrophy, which he has had for about 10 years now. He has been taking medication all these years and has never had a problem. Why are they suddenly revoking his license? Is there anything he can do?
@ Donna
Who is revoking his license. The CME does not have that type of authority. If his muscular dystrophy does not prevent him from performing the duties of a class A driver, then there is some other question. All he should need is a medical release form from his doctors and any supporting documentation that the CME needs to help in his/her decision making process. There have not been major changes with the DOT/FMCSA requirements.
Doc com or dot net are our past and future
Does HIV and it’s medications for treatment need to be disclosed for a DOT medical card? Currently undetectable status.
@ soon to be
The DOT/FMCSA intake form will ask for medications and conditions. If in a state of undetected, just have your doctor provide the information the CME needs and there should not be any issues.
I recently was diagnosed with AFib.Base on this DOT doctor suspended my truck delivery driving job for 90 days for which only regular class C license is required. Non CDL license.
My condition is treated with a medication between cardiologist and my family doctor.
Instead driving my company put me to work in the warehouse.
Where can I appeal DOT doctor decision?
@ Jack P
You fall under the states guidelines and variances, not federal DOT/FMCSA for a class A driver. The examiner needs to know the difference and apply your states guidelines. Go get a second opinion and make sure you explain that you are a class c, non cdl, driver. If he does not know the difference, then find a CME that does.
Hello !
I’m thinking of retired from my full time job and applying for a DOT license so I can drive a school bus partime.
I’m in good health, but my left is amputated below the knee. I walk and drive a car fine, will that hinder my
chance to be approved to drive a bus in NY State ? Please let me know.
Thanks in advance, Scott
@ Scott
Your state is going to be your best resource for answers here. You would be a class B cdl holder and you will fall under the states guidelines and variances. If you are already driving any vehicle, then you should be fine. Confirm with your local drivers license department.
I just turned 50,and am currently rehabbing from rotator cuff repair, third surgery on it in the last 14 months. 4 months into rehab,andI am only able to lift my arm to shoulder height, with pain and weak range of motion with my arm across my body. Will this disqualify me from passing a DOT physical outright? Mine expires in a few days, and I’d rather not waste the money if I can’t pass.
@ Steve
You are still in rehab so you could not pass nor be permitted to take the DOT/FMCSA medical examination. You will need to be fully released, without restrictions or limitations, before taking your next medical examination.
Where does it state that you must be fully released without restrictions before taking your next medical evaluation? Someone could still be under a work restriction but pass a DOT/FMCSA medical evaluation because they could meet all their job requirements despite the restriction (i.e. their restricted actions do not overlap with their job requirements).
@ Pat
If you restriction do not interfere with your job description, then go for your medical certification examination.