Looking For Driver Friendly™ DOT Physical Doctors in Washington?
DOT Physical Exam Locations in Washington
How To Find DOT Physicals Near Me
On The MAP…
1. Find A DOT Physical Doctor’s marker on the MAP
- On the MAP – Click on a green or grey marker to pop up the info box for the DOT Doctor’s Office
Indicates parking available for tractor-trailer, delivery vehicles, and buses.
Check parking options on DOT Doctor’s webpage. Large CMV parking usually available nearby.
2. Go to the Doctor’s Office WEBPAGE
- Click the link in the pop up info box – Doctor’s Office name – and you’ll be taken to the Office webpage
- On the webpage you’ll have all the information you need about DOT Medical Card Services in that office
• location • where to park that rig • same day appointment • appointment times or walk-in welcome
• photos of office, doctor and staff • dot medical card services • other medical services • contact information
• confirmed FMCSA National Registry number
From the LISTING…
1. The Doctor’s Offices are listed in order of ZIP code.
- Find a location near you.
2. Go to the Doctor’s Office WEBPAGE
- Click the link – Doctor’s Office name – and you’ll be taken to the Office webpage
- On the webpage you’ll have all the information you need about DOT Medical Card Services in that office
• location • where to park that rig • same day appointment • appointment times or walk-in welcome
• photos of office, doctor and staff • dot medical card services • other medical services • contact information
• confirmed FMCSA National Registry number
To Expand the MAP:
Click the + sign (on the map below) to zoom in on the map and separate the pins.
Drag the map with your mouse to see your area of interest.
Click the box (on the map below) to see the map fullscreen.
Choose from a select group of family practice doctors who truly understand professional drivers and the importance of having a valid CDL medical card. Be prepared for the dot medical exam before you get to your appointment, so you can get in and out on time, and get your dot medical card right, first time.
Each DOT Physical Doctor has a helpful webpage so you can check everything you need to make the right choice
• location • where to park that rig • same day appointment • appointment times or walk-in welcome • photos of office, doctor and staff
• dot medical card services • other medical services • contact information • confirmed FMCSA National Registry number
Don’t you just hate it when you hear about a driver that got ripped off on the cost of a DOT physical exam…
then found out that the new medical card was invalid… and the whole caboodle just invalidated his CDL?
You don’t want that to be your story…
5 Ways Drivers Get Hurt… By
Not Knowing The Pitfalls
- Medical card invalid – Doctor not on the National Registry of Medical Examiners.
- Medical card invalid – The examiner uses wrong forms or makes mistakes on the medical card.
- Disqualified or short-term conditional medical card – The examiner applies regulations and guidelines inappropriately.
- $ Costs mount up – High exam fee, hidden fees, add-on tests.
- Waste your time – Not able to make an appointment. Keeps you waiting in line.
5 Reasons To Choose… A Driver Friendly™ DOTPhysicalDOCTOR
- All our doctors are DOT Certified and validated on FMCSA National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners.
- The examiner makes sure your documentation is correct and that you have a valid medical card.
- The examiner will guide you reasonably and fairly through all the requirements to qualify you for a DOT medical card.
- The dot physical cost is all inclusive and fair.
- Appointments are made for the driver’s convenience – We see you on time, and save you time.
Get In & Out ON TIME! Get Your Medical Card DONE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!
Be Prepared BEFORE You Go To Your DOT Physical Appointment!
Be prepared for your DOT Medical Exam. Understand the DOT physical requirements. Take everything you need to your appointment. That way you’ll help the medical examiner qualify you for all the Medical Certification requirements. You’ll be in and out on time, and back on the road with a valid medical card.
Get the special FREE guidebook by Trucker Docs –
“How to TAKE THE STRESS out of getting your DOT MEDICAL CARD.
What you must know before you get to your DOT Physical appointment”.
- Get your questions answered about personal health conditions, medications, required tests and primary doctor’s medical opinion letter. Read questions from other drivers on our FAQ forum.
- Get the checklist of things you need for your DOT physical appointment.
Keep Your Medical Card Updated with Washington DMV (or your State)
Commercial drivers, who are required to have a CDL medical card, are personally responsible to provide a copy of the new Medical Certificate to the licensing agency of the state in which their CDL was issued. Contact your State driver licensing agency for information about how to submit a copy of your medical certificate. For more information on the States’ self certification affidavit, and State CDL and DOT Medical Card Requirements – read this blog article.
This link will take you to WASHINGTON CDL and DOT Medical Card Requirements.
If you have a Washington CDL, your Driver Friendly™ DOTPhysicalDOCTOR may even be able to save you time by faxing your updated medical card information to Washington DPS.