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What are the vision requirements to get a DOT medical card?
What if I have monocular vision?
Can I wear contact lenses to do the vision test?
What if I have had laser eye surgery?
I need to obtain a vision waiver. Where can I get the forms?
What are the vision requirements to get a DOT medical card?
You must have a distant visual acuity of at least 20/40 with or without corrective lenses:
- see at least 20/40 with both eyes together
- see at least 20/40 with the right eye
- see at least 20/40 with the left eye.
Monovision is a disqualification. Use of a contact lens in one eye for distant visual acuity and another lens in the other eye for near vision is not acceptable, nor are telescopic lenses acceptable for driving a commercial motor vehicle.
Exemption: A driver with monocular vision may be able to get a Federal Vision Exemption Certificate, if medically fit for duty in all other categories of the physical exam.
What if I have monocular vision?
If you pass all other aspects of the DOT physical, and you meet all vision requirements in the functioning eye, then you may be considered for a Federal Vision Exemption.
Can I wear contact lenses to do the vision test?
You are permitted to wear contact lenses provided you’re used to wearing them and have a good tolerance for wearing contacts. Be aware that monovision is a disqualification, so use of a contact lens in one eye for distant visual acuity and another lens in the other eye for near vision is not acceptable.
What if I have had laser eye surgery?
Provided you meet the vision requirements, you should have no problem.
I am legally blind in one eye from an injury? With documentation from my eye specialist can I pass the DOT physical?
This type of injury will require documentation.
If you are going to drive only within your state borders, it will be easier. Just check with your DMV to see what the states rules and regulations are.
To pursue an interstate medical card will require an exemption that you can only get from FMCSA. Check out the requirements to determine if this is something you want to pursue. It is possible, but a bit tough to do. Lots of hoops, but do-able.
I need to obtain a vision waiver. Where can I get the forms?
FMCSA has a Vision Exemption Program which has specific requirements for each application. You will get a decision within 180 days of completing your application. To find out more and get the forms go to this FMCSA official webpage.
I have 20/20 vision corrected, right eye. 20/200 uncorrectable in my left eye, 70 degree plus horizontal left and right. Does this fail the DOT physical?
DOT requires you have a minimum of 20/40 vision in each eye, and in both eyes together, either non-corrective or with corrective lenses. Your peripheral vision is within normal limits.
All that being said, you could be driving skills tested with a FMCSA exemption. Check with the FMCSA for the requirements for that particular exemption.
I’ve been a CDL driver for 16 years. Last week, for my DOT physical the doctor made me do the color test from a book with numbers and dots. I could get only half of them right. I have always been able to see the colors red, green and amber and pass my DOT physical. Now the book test has made me fail the color portion of the DOT physical. What’s going on with this?
It looks like the doctor is trying to determine if you may be color blind. But the primary reason for the DOT physical color test is to determine your ability to distinguish red, amber/yellow and green – not a color blindness examination. Not really sure as to why they would do this. Especially since you have been driving for so long. You are correct to question this.
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Your comments are also welcome.
Tony says
I have 20/20 in Right eye, 20/40 in Left eye with corrective lenses, but I cannot pass the Vision test at the DMV for a CDL. Multiple eye doctors with multiple prescriptions have been tried. Taken the test multiple times, but I cannot pass it. I’ve applied for a waiver several times, but keep getting denied. What are my other options?
Trucker Docs™ says
You may want to consider driving Intra-state only. That way you fall under the states variances and not the Fed. Check with your local drivers license department and see what their rules are regarding intra-state cdl.
Ramon says
My name is Ramon.I have a dot physical all ready.but a job send me to get another one .I failed the eye exam .because one of my eye I only see blurry. But I could see good with both eye .but the doc said I failed. My question is do I loose my cdl even if I have another physical.? I don’t care about the job .
JoAnn says
Good afternoon Doc,
So my husband is eligible for a NH only Intrastate Waiver. He’s had one before and we have all the stuff to get one. But the M.E. who did his physical stated that she cannot give him the medical card since the company he is wanting to work for is considered an “Interstate” company. She is refusing to do a card (even though we paid for the exam) to be established for an Intrastate waiver. The company my husband is applying to understands he cannot cross state lines with one of their trucks and is hiring him to be local only. Without the NH waiver, no job. He has not driven commercially for the past 2 years. He needs to have 3 years up to the date of the date of the Federal Waiver application date. The DOT in Washington DC states that he needs to get a NH Waiver and be employed as a commercial driver (it does not matter doing what) within state lines for 3 years before he can be considered for the Federal waiver. I am looking for confirmation that this M.E. does not have the right to withhold my husbands medical card for a NH Waiver based on who he is looking to work for. It is based on whether my husband crosses the state line in the driver’s seat, not the company itself if someone else is driving. Or am I reading the statutes wrong?
Any advice you can give will help
Shane says
I had a restriction on my cdl where i couldn’t go out of state due to my vision in my left eye and i got my dot physical done and they certified me to drive in state. I just recently rent back to the dmv to retake my vision test and i passed and they took the restriction off my license. Now do i have to go back and have a new physical done or am i fine to drive out of state now?
Trucker Docs™ says
Your first examination was for intra-state, so yes you would need to have a new interstate medical examination done, if you want to drive a commercial vehicle out of state.
Also, a lot will depend on the type of driving you are going to be doing. Check with your local drivers license department first and get your questions answered, then go for the medical certification examination. Good luck.
Ajay k says
Hello Sir/Ma’am,
My name is ajay kori I have a 1 query please suggest me, I have an uncle his age may be 40 years he was driving a big tancker of chemical in mumbai when he was just 20 years. but before 7-8 years ago he lost his left eye because of that chemical he can’t see from his left eye but he still can drive well. so my question is can he renew his license again ? do he need any certificate to renew. now he don’t want to drive big vehicles just want to drive 2 and 4 wheelers. he also have his old license. please solve my query.
Virgil says
I have my CDL license. My renewal is coming up in March. I recently had eye surgery due to detached retina. I am not going to meet the Vision Requirements before my renewal date. Will I have to start all over when my eyes clear up with CDL process or what can I do???
Trucker Docs™ says
You need to check with your local drivers license department and let them know your situation. You won’t need to redo your CDL testing, but they need to know how to help you for now.
Adrian says
Hello im from iowa, i took the dot physical, i didn’t pass the vision test on my right eye. i had surgery to reattach my retna on my right eye now im trying to get the wavier so i can drive dump truck class b cdl intrastate now is it worth pursuing this or should i just give up. i see that it can take up to 180 days for a response from FMCSA. im able to see out of that eye like colors, i can tell what the objects are its just peripheral vision is good. my doctor says my vision in thay eye pretty much is what it is.
Trucker Docs™ says
Check with your local drivers license department. You should fall under the states variances as an intra-state only driver and as such should only have to meet the states requirements, not the FMCSAs. The states can issue any waiver that they see fit, as long as they feel that you can do your job safely.
Mike says
If you were waiting for your glasses to come in are they a form that can be filled out so you can renew your CDL’s so you can’t keep on working while you are waiting for your eyeglasses to come in. I live in South Carolina
Trucker Docs™ says
No. The CME can’t complete the exam until all parts are completed, including the vision test.
Chris says
I have a cdl-a with a soon to expire medical card. I have a vision deficiency in one eye from a birth defect. Corrected vision is 20/100 left, 20/40 right. The requirement states the vision must be stable. Mine is not. If not granted a waiver, am I “disabled”? Do you have any idea where I can get help with this?
Trucker Docs™ says
You will not qualify as a class A driver running interstate.
That being said, you could qualify as an intra-state driver and fall under the states variances. Best bet is to check with your local drivers license department and get the information from them. Otherwise it is a waiver from the FMCSA and as far as we know, these waivers take a bunch of time. Good Luck
Tony I says
I have a CDL, class C, passenger endorsement, driving a limo in NJ. I August, struck in rear by vehicle and developed 5 floaters in my left eye, within 2 months of accident. Will the floater prevent me from renewing my CDL license?
Trucker Docs™ says
Not if they do not interfere with your ability to operate a CMV. If the condition poses a safety issue, then it could be a restriction. Also you are a class C driver, so let the examiner know the type of driving you do. It will make a difference to the examiner.
Monica says
Okay Dr I have a question my boyfriend had an eye injury when he was eight years old it ripped the cornea but it was repaired he is never had a problem with a deal T physical until today is there something that states in the rule book that if he has 20/20 Vision in that eye that they can withhold his CDL
Trucker Docs™ says
Nope. So unless there was some other condition that caused the CME to restrict the certificate, then it’s unknown as to why he would not provide a DOT certificate.
Barry says
Does the doctors office check my vision for dot card, or the va dmv check them ?
Trucker Docs™ says
The Certified Medical Examiner should be performing your eyes examination for your medical card.
DMV may do a vision test for your license, but these are totally separate.
Nick P says
Hello Doctor,
I have 20/20 in my left eye and 20/50 in my right, 20/20 both with glasses. I have a birth defect in my right eye, the optic nerve is narrower than normal. I still see blurry with corrective lenses in the right eye and and everything thing is a little darker in that right eye as well.
I do not have a CDL, I want to get a permit for a CDL with P and S endorsements to drive a school bus for a school district municipality in New Jersey.
I have applied twice to the DOT for a vision waiver. I was told that in my case, it does nor apply and I cannot get the waiver.
The DMV in New Jersey says the only way they will issue a permit for a CDL is that I need the DOT vision waiver.
Would you say that I’m not ever going to move forward because of my condition? And I should just drop the whole matter?
Thanks for your time
Trucker Docs™ says
You will fall under your states variances and not the DOT/ FMCSA.
As a class A over the road driver, you would not pass the medical certification examination.
That being said, since you are working on driving a school bus you should be held to the states rules and regulations, not FMCSA.
So first get a medical certificate from your local CME and then take that information to the state drivers license department. Based on the findings of the examiner, the state should then issue you any waivers or state variance restriction limitations that would exist for the level of driving that you want to do.
Nick P says
Thank you doctor. I did have the physical exam by a DOT physician, I passed the physical but failed the vision portion, on the medical certificate issued, it stated that I need a federal vision waiver which is only available through the DOT. I took all of my paperwork to the New Jersey DMV, they told me that the state does not have a vision waiver program and I need a federal DOT vision waiver which I cannot get. So you see I’m in a holding pattern that has no positive advances in my situation. What one state government entity requires the federal other will not provide in my circumstances. Thanks again for your time.
Rob says
I got shot with a bottle rocket in my right eye well I get to drive is there a way around it
Trucker Docs™ says
Everything depends on the extent of the damage done to the eye and your eyesight in that eye. If full vision has been lost, you will need to get a vision waiver from your state, if you are going to be driving intra-state only. Or a vision waiver from the FMCSA if you want to try interstate driving. Good Luck
Russell says
I have been a city bus driver in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN for 28 years. Over the past year I have developed Cataracts in my right eye rendering me well above the 20/40 visual acuity. My left eye is still 20/20 and clear but sensitive to night glare. However, because of my relatively young age (56) I have been told by my eye doctor that lens replacement surgery is very high risk for Retina Detachment until I’m in my 60’s. He recommends I find a different profession because my cataracts is progressive and unstable, and will eventually affect my left eye too. I’m only 2.5 years away from full retirement with rule of 90. What are the chances I can get a vision waver for this when corrective surgery is available but I don’t wish to take the risk at this time?
Trucker Docs™ says
So lets see you are losing your vision in one eye and one is sensitive to light at night and you drive a bus with other people on it and you are wanting to skirt correcting the eye problem. If we got this correct, then the best thing to do is get this issue corrected and keep going, or get a different job.
But you can check with your local drivers license department and see if they think you are safe enough to drive a bus with one eye. They may have a waiver for you. This is a state issue not a fed issue.
Russell says
I don’t feel the best thing to do is get the correction because it could lead to retina detachment which is a medical emergency with a 48 hour window to save the eye afterwards assuming I even know when it happens. I’d rather try and wait out the cataracts than risk permanent blindness, so I need to try and get a waiver for two more years then retire. If I get a different job I lose my rule of 90 and all my retirement benefits. I was only asking what you thought my chances of success at getting a waiver were?
Trucker Docs™ says
Since you are going to fall under state variances and they will be the one’s to issue you the vision waiver, then you still need to cheek with your state. Your concerns are a state related, not FMCSA. Good Luck.
Jim R says
First, detached retina does not require a 48 hour window to save sight, I went three weeks before getting surgery. Second, you will know she it detatches because your vision goes away in the area detached. Third, your primary responsibility is the safety of your passengers, not your pension. Fourth, if you are a city employee they can not fire you because you have a vision disability. They will find another position for you to finish your time or arrange for early retirement with disability.
Tony says
I Ave a retina detached in my left eye and I’m going through several surgeries to correct it with a 20/40 in right eye with corrective lenses. With Dr. documents on what’s taken place can I get my dot physical. Plus I wear hearing aids with document on them.
Trucker Docs™ says
Once you have healed from the surgeries and your vision has corrected to 20/40 or better in both eyes and each eye individually, you should be good to go. Just tell the CME what is going on and make sure you have a medical release from the surgeon stating that you have been released to normal work duties.
Crawford says
Can I have a CDL license if I have been diagnosed with Macular Degerneration?
Trucker Docs™ says
If you can perform the job description for a CDL driver based on the level of your drivers class license, then you could be OK. It all depends on how much visual loss you have and how fast the condition is progressing.
Mike A says
I can only see in my right eye which is 20/20.
1. Has it been your experience that I could qualify for a CDL Class B intra state license? If yes….what sre the steps to take and the order
2. If yes….will I be able to drive shuttle busses (intra state) within another states border for 5 months a year that is different from the state my CDL Class B License will issued where I live?
Thank you so much for the help.
Trucker Docs™ says
You are going to fall under the states variances and not under federal, so check with your state drivers license department. Also, because you will be limited to driving within your state you would need to check with the other state drivers license department to answer your second question, otherwise you are driving interstate. That would be a no no.
Mike B says
I have no vision in my right eye.
Is there any way I qualify for any level CDL license?
History: lost my eyesight in the right eye when I was 8 years old. Have passed every non CDL drivers license test including the vision part.
Thank you for your help.
Mike B
Trucker Docs™ says
Check with your local drivers license department on this one.
You would not be qualified for interstate, but may qualify for intra-state only. So check with your local DLD.
Cindy S says
I don’t have a CDL, but I was curious what the vision requirements are in Kentucky for a driver carrying hazardous waste. If they have 20/20 vision and have limited horizontal vision, could they still be licensed in Kentucky?
Trucker Docs™ says
You’ll need to contact Kentucky DMV about your limitations and see if they have any kind of state waiver.
Cindy S says
Okay, thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving. Safety in your travels.
Shane says
Attempting to verify something reported by our facility Nurse. If a driver is required to wear a hearing aid they are required to have a backup power source for the hearing aid while they are driving.
Is there also a requirement for corrective lenses? I.e. if you are required to wear prescription glasses/contact lenses do you have to keep a spare set of lenses with you?
I have been unable to find a specific statement in the FMCSR about having spare lenses.
Trucker Docs™ says
It’s one of those highly recommended things. It would make sense to have a backup pair of corrective lenses just for your own sanity.
Fred S says
What are the four colors used on the eye exam for tanker endorsement for your cdl