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What are the vision requirements to get a DOT medical card?
What if I have monocular vision?
Can I wear contact lenses to do the vision test?
What if I have had laser eye surgery?
I need to obtain a vision waiver. Where can I get the forms?
What are the vision requirements to get a DOT medical card?
You must have a distant visual acuity of at least 20/40 with or without corrective lenses:
- see at least 20/40 with both eyes together
- see at least 20/40 with the right eye
- see at least 20/40 with the left eye.
Monovision is a disqualification. Use of a contact lens in one eye for distant visual acuity and another lens in the other eye for near vision is not acceptable, nor are telescopic lenses acceptable for driving a commercial motor vehicle.
Exemption: A driver with monocular vision may be able to get a Federal Vision Exemption Certificate, if medically fit for duty in all other categories of the physical exam.
What if I have monocular vision?
If you pass all other aspects of the DOT physical, and you meet all vision requirements in the functioning eye, then you may be considered for a Federal Vision Exemption.
Can I wear contact lenses to do the vision test?
You are permitted to wear contact lenses provided you’re used to wearing them and have a good tolerance for wearing contacts. Be aware that monovision is a disqualification, so use of a contact lens in one eye for distant visual acuity and another lens in the other eye for near vision is not acceptable.
What if I have had laser eye surgery?
Provided you meet the vision requirements, you should have no problem.
I am legally blind in one eye from an injury? With documentation from my eye specialist can I pass the DOT physical?
This type of injury will require documentation.
If you are going to drive only within your state borders, it will be easier. Just check with your DMV to see what the states rules and regulations are.
To pursue an interstate medical card will require an exemption that you can only get from FMCSA. Check out the requirements to determine if this is something you want to pursue. It is possible, but a bit tough to do. Lots of hoops, but do-able.
I need to obtain a vision waiver. Where can I get the forms?
FMCSA has a Vision Exemption Program which has specific requirements for each application. You will get a decision within 180 days of completing your application. To find out more and get the forms go to this FMCSA official webpage.
I have 20/20 vision corrected, right eye. 20/200 uncorrectable in my left eye, 70 degree plus horizontal left and right. Does this fail the DOT physical?
DOT requires you have a minimum of 20/40 vision in each eye, and in both eyes together, either non-corrective or with corrective lenses. Your peripheral vision is within normal limits.
All that being said, you could be driving skills tested with a FMCSA exemption. Check with the FMCSA for the requirements for that particular exemption.
I’ve been a CDL driver for 16 years. Last week, for my DOT physical the doctor made me do the color test from a book with numbers and dots. I could get only half of them right. I have always been able to see the colors red, green and amber and pass my DOT physical. Now the book test has made me fail the color portion of the DOT physical. What’s going on with this?
It looks like the doctor is trying to determine if you may be color blind. But the primary reason for the DOT physical color test is to determine your ability to distinguish red, amber/yellow and green – not a color blindness examination. Not really sure as to why they would do this. Especially since you have been driving for so long. You are correct to question this.
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Your comments are also welcome.
Sarah says
I have an under developed optical nerve in my left eye (not caused by injury but a birth defect) but have better than average vision in my right. Wondering if I would qualify for an exemption.
Also curious to see if I could see a DOT physician prior to making the decision to go to school for a CDL A.
All help and advise is a appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Sarah
We would recommend that you go see a DOT provider and discuss your situation first.
Ethan C says
Just took my DOT physical I was just curious is it normal for a doctor to only issue a one year med card for corrective lenses, everything in the test was normal my vision is even corrected to 20/20 in each eye and together
daniel m says
hello there i am wondering if i get my cdl class A intrastate in califorina how can i get to pass a DOT exam for my job i am getting here in califorina local driver
aswell i am getting new a job for bobtail class c local driver and i need to do a dot exam but how can i pass my vision i am 20/400 in left eye and right good eye 20/40 how can i get thought dot exams i am working on my class a need more info on this ( iam have been driving bobtail trucks 26″ for 2years with no problem just now that i am getting a new job in need dot exam )
and i have doctors prove that i am able to operate commercial vehicles and eye exams that my bad eye doesnt affect my driving ability
am i legaly blind in my left eye
Trucker Docs™ says
@ daniel m
You fall under the states DLD variances, so check with the DLD first.
Travis S says
I’m also curious as I’m preparing to enter CDL A driving school. I have 20/20 in my left eye and 20/400 in my right eye, which is considered legally blind. I’ve been this way my whole life and never had issues as I was an all star athlete in multiple sports and never had an accident in my 20 years driving. I did have to have a letter from my eye Dr when testing for my Class D license. Will I be ok to drive commercially if I get a letter from my eye Dr? Thanks!
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Travis S
If you are going to try and drive over the road / interstate, you will need a vision exemption from the FMCSA.
Dieter S says
I had an eye injury in 1973 . Had my CDL since 1972. My left eye is good , my right eye doesn’t have a lense in it from the injury.Back then They didn’t DOT physicals were unheard of . My eye doctor made a special lense for my right eye which allowed me to pass eye exams but since I don’t have a lobe on my eye the lense floats around creating problems. I still have peripheral in my right eye to this day . Yesterday I went to see an eye doctor trying to renew my eye part of the DOT physical and told me I don’t meet the requirements for an interstate CDL even though I’ve been driving for 46 years with out an incident. Are these new Federal laws trying to put people out on the street or destroy someone’s livelihood?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Dieter S
It may seem that way in the land of the free. FMCSA does issue a visual exemption for drivers in your situation. Try getting information from the DOT / FMCSA regarding the waiver.
Vernon B P says
wanted to know should i been charge again to take the eye exam when i was tested without my glasses and that’s one of my restriction
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Vernon B P
That is totally up to the examiners office policy, not FMCSA.
Eric R says
I drive a lot in my job, going to see many donors of our local children’s home. These donors are mostly located throughout Texas. I am recently suffering from diplopia (double vision) and need to wear an eye-patch over one eye (either one) to see without the double vision causing everything to run together. I need to know what the requirements are in Texas for driving with an eye patch. Can you help me?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Eric R
Your best answer will come from your local DMV/drivers license department. Your situation will fall under the states variances and not federal regs.
R. G says
Would anyone know about the Commercial Vehicle requirements for a vision waiver? My Class A license was pulled at the scales when my truck was red tagged, they said I was unable to drive a Class A vehicle with airbrakes, So they took my license, I told them I had my vision waiver for sometime now, even renewing it and have been able to drive my commercial vehicle. Is this a new law? Does anyone have anyone I can contact, my job is at risk! HELP PLEASE!!!
Trucker Docs™ says
@ R. G.
Did you have the waiver with you at the time DOT pulled your license. If not, they were correct until proven different.
Ted T says
Hi everyone thanks for your site to help us with our questions. Here’s mine went to my eye doctor today complaining about problems with my right eye I was having symptoms which was causing halos,vision change,green tint. Thought it was cataracts but after exams I was told I have Glaucoma started eye drops today. I drive a paratransit bus Class C license what effect will this have driving in Il thanks !
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Ted T
As long as you can safely operate the vehicle with your visual condition and you do not put yourself and the public at large in danger, then continue with the follow-up with the eye doctor. He should be kept abreast of your situation, as well as, your job description. Also check with your local drivers license department for any restrictions they may have.
Jeff says
Can you cross the state line if you are under 26,000 lbs with a eye wavier restriction
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Jeff
It depends on the class of drivers license you have and its restrictions, if any.
Michael C says
I am 19 years old and hold a Class A, but cannot pass the vision test in my left eye. Don’t know the exact score, but it is less than 20/40. My right eye is just fine, and I haven’t been affected by it my whole life as my right eye is fine. According to the Vision exception application, I have to have driven a CMV for 3 years prior to my application. Here’s a quote from the application; “You operated a CMV with your vision deficiency for the 3-year period immediately preceding the date of this application, by submitting the following”
So my question is, how does one get an exemption if they can not legally drive without a valid med card?
All I want to do is drive intrastate, which in governed by each individual state and not the FMCSA. However a lot of states adopted the FMCSA guide lines, and others I haven’t been able to find if they have or not because they don’t have any information readily posted online.
Any information is appreciated. Thanks is advance
Gregory B G says
I’m blind In one eye.. but score 20/40 in my good eye which is my left.. can I can my cdl
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Gregory B G
Intra-state only, maybe. Class A interstate, no. Check with your local drivers license department for the best answer.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Michael C
Even though some states adopted the FMCSA guidelines for examination they did not adopt all of FMCSA’s rules and regs. Ask your local drivers license department what their guidelines require for an intra-state only cmv-class A driver. You may fail your DOT/FMCSA class A examination but most states take your situation into consideration as a intra-state only driver and apply the states variances.
Sharon says
had a retina detachment in 2015 and was repaired. my vision has been completely restored and with glasses my sight is now fine. My peripheral is at least 70 degrees. just now applying for a new medical card for a new driving job. will the new dot doctor need anything paperwork wise from me at exam.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Sharon
If all is corrected and you are doing fine at this point, then you shouldn’t need any thing further.
Shelly says
I have developed an eye condition that is being treated and expected to resolve, eyesight in one eye is greatly affected and out of accepted range, only one eye is affected. Current interstate driver. Do I need to report this prior to my next DOT physical
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Shelly
Your DOT medical card should already be invalid due to your eye condition. Once you have every thing back on track and a vision of 20/40 or better, with or without corrective lenses, you should be OK if all else is normal.
Sergio says
You got my cdl class a on 3/05/2018 I went to change my certification from self certified to interstate or intrastate they told me I need a vision waiver. I applied for it on fcmca it wa denied for interstate. My state said they don issue vision waivers. Can I drive a cmv on self certified. I don’t know what to do!? Please help
Kasey says
I had a Cornia transplant in middle of 2015 I wasn’t able to keep up with my physical and was downgraded once I had my eye surgery I recently got my physical done and turned in my physical to Indiana how do I go about upgrading my cdl to active status again since I’m recovered
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Kassey
Go to your local drivers license department and ask to be re-instated as a cdl driver.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Sergio
As a class A driver you must have a level of vision at 20/40 or better, with or without corrective lenses, in each eye. You could take the DOT medical certification examination and would not pass as a class A interstate driver, but your local, intra-state, license would come from the state. Not sure of any state that would accept a self certification for you to drive class A. That being said, check with your local drivers license department for more clarity regarding your situation.
Claudia L says
If someone has a vision waiver and needs to renew it before it expires, does he have to go thru the whole physical or just see an ophthalmologist?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Claudia
The vision waiver will need to be presented at the time of the DOT medical examination. You will have to do the entire medical examination.
Tuco says
Can my eye doctor clear me safe to drive and will his recommendation and clearance for me safe to drive my commercial vehicle that I do not have to have a commercial driver license in order to drive and I drive intrastate only in Ohio am I able to pass my Department of Transportation physical without having to go through their eye exam
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Tuco
You can bring a copy of your eye doctors examination findings and it should work in consideration of the medical examiners eye test.
Rico says
I do not need a cdl to drive for the company i work for i drive a straight truck do i need a medical card if i drive intrastate
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Rico
If you drive any vehicle that is being used for commerce, than your state is probably requiring a valid medical card. Which means that they are looking at the company and the company is in the business of commerce (making profit). So yes you need a valid medical card, even for intra-state.
daniel m says
@trucker docs so how we pass a drivers dot physical eye exam if i am working in itra-state meaning
On original commercial license applications, the department may make exceptions to the medical requirements, in rare instances, when the driver is able to demonstrate a history of adequate compensation. The commercial drive test will determine if the driver adequately compensates for any loss or impairment of a limb, vision, or hearing. If a commercial driver license is issued, it will be restricted to driving intrastate only (within California), and without passengers or hazardous materials.
Some factors that are considered in determining if the medical condition would affect driving include, but are not limited to, the following:
History and length of medical condition
Scope of commercial driving
Hours of operation
Driving Record History
Scope of employment
Side effects of condition
Geographic location
Type of vehicle
so how can we pass a dot exam for vision for intrastate driving
i know i can get my cdl class a with my bad vision in (intrastate commerce) only
but cant get a job because i cant pass my dot vision so i cant get a job where i can drive intrastate
Trucker Docs™ says
@ daniel M
Check with your states DLD. Our experience with states has been very successful with communicate about their policy first and then the DOT examination.
Robert says
I have a lazy eye the only thing i cant do with it is read ive passed the driver license test no restrictions will i still fail the test for dot
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Robert
You will need to be able to read to complete your medical questioner, so be as prepared as possible. You will also be tested for visual acuity, which requires reading.
Roberr says
I can read my right eye can read fine and my lazy eye can see but i cant read with that eye only
Robert says
The only problem with my left eye which is the lazy one is read with it other then that my peripheral is good no blurry images just cant read with that one eye
Robert says
Im not required to obtain a cdl to drive my truck my conpany is sending us on their own requirement i just dont want to lose my job over that its not like im going to close one eye to read a sign
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Robert
explain to the examiner that you need a medical card, but do not drive a class A vehicle. Most examiners do class A medicals and may not be aware of state variances, which you would fall under. Explain the type of driving that you do and that you have had a valid drivers license for years. You should be OK.
anthony says
what is the requirement of cdl drivers vision….after having vertigo. someone has been told off for 6 months by a Dr. because of the dizziness, but dizziness has been gone since two weeks being told it was vertigo. where do I find the regs on this.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Anthony
FMCSA web site. Depending on the class driver you are will depend on the level of examination and documentation needed in your situation.
Ray G. says
I have on file with CA DMV a waiver for mono vision and every time I need to renew my medical certificate at the DMV, the dept never seems to know what a waiver is for intrastate drivers only which is the state’s jurisdiction, they keep insisting I need to contact the FMCSA. Who in California can help me? I don’t want to lose my job.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Ray G
Your issues are state related, so FMCSA is not the answer for you. Go passed the DMV clerk and ask for a supervisor for more assistance.
Daniel m says
Ray g did u get the waiver from the fmcsa or state need info on this for.l California
I am getting my cdl class a intrastate only but idk how to pass dot exam
Raymond says
I already have a vision waiver, but when I go to DMV to obtain my medical card, they won’t help me, they are totally unaware of any vision waiver. I’ve had my vision waiver for awhile too. Where can I go for help
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Raymond
Medical cards are obtained from a certified medical examiner not the DMV.