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If you still can’t find a related answer, then you are welcome to ask your question in the comments section below.
Is Meniere’s disease a disqualifier?
What if I’ve had surgery for Meniere’s disease?
Does vertigo disqualify me from getting a medical card?
What if I take anti-seisure medication?
Can I pass a DOT physical after having a stroke?
If a driver is diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder will they fail the DOT physical?
If I take antidepressants can I still get a DOT medical card?
Is Meniere’s disease a disqualifier?
Yes. Meniere’s disease is disqualifying because it may bring about a severe condition of vertigo and is unpredictable. The risk here is sudden incapacitation.
What if I’ve had surgery for Meniere’s disease?
Still is a disqualifier. The FMCSA is reviewing this in terms of certification.
Does vertigo disqualify me from getting a medical card?
It could. When the medical examiner does his examination, one of the things he is looking for is things that would be unsafe for you as a driver and how it effects your ability to maintain control of a commercial motor vehicle. Part of that examination is to test for virtigo. If he feels the condition is unsafe then he will not pass you. If he feels there is something that can help you maintain, he may make a suggestion for you to follow-up with a specialist.
Drivers who have had one unprovoked seizure by definition do not have epilepsy (2 or more unprovoked seizures). Drivers who are seizure-free and off anticonvulsant medication(s) for at least 5 years after a single unprovoked seizure can be certified. Earlier return to work may be considered for drivers with a normal EEG who have no epileptic-form activity and normal examination by a neurologist specializing in epilepsy. (This answer from the FMCSA website)
What if I take anti-seizure medication?
Right off the bat you would be disqualified as a CMV driver. There is a new federal exemption for seizure and related medications. You will need to check with the FMCSA regarding that particular paperwork.
Medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy is disqualifying. Where a driver can demonstrate that safety would not be diminished by the condition, it is possible to apply for an exemption.
Can I pass a DOT physical after having a stroke?
It depends on many things, including the likelihood of having another stroke. Your best bet is to first go back to your neurologist and have him/her write a medical opinion letter stating:
- When you had the stroke.
- What was the treatment, and how successful was the outcome.
- What is the treatment you are receiving now.
- The doctor’s medical opinion about your readiness to return to work as a driver. Make sure that he/she knows all of your physical daily activities as a commerial driver.
With that information in hand when you go to do your DOT medical examination, then the DOT examiner has all the appropriate information to determine your physical state of fitness to perform the duties of a commercial driver.
If a driver is diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder will they fail the DOT physical?
Well, it isn’t that you fail outright, but you will be asked questions regarding the condition:
- What treatment routine has been established.
- How long you’ve been on that routine.
- How are you responding to treatment/medication, etc.
So just prepare for the question line in advance, bring documentation from your treating doctor with you, and you could do just fine.
If I take antidepressants can I still get a DOT medical card?
Well it’s not impossible, but what you will need to do is get a medical opinion letter from your treating physician that states:
- When you were diagnosed with the condition?
- What treatment program does he/she have you on?
- Is the condition stable?
- Does your physician feel you could do the duties of a commercial driver and be safe for yourself and the people/public around you?
Then take that information the DOT physical appointment. It will still be the DOT medical examiner’s decision whether or not to certify you.
I have an anxiety disorder on and off. This raises my BP readings. Can I still pass the DOT physical if I take beta-blockers?
You should talk with your primary healthcare provider to determine whether or not this would interfere with the responsibilities and stress of being a commercial motor vehicle operator. If your doctor feels OK about your driving and understands the role of a commercial motor vehicle operator, then he should write a medical opinion letter for you to take to the DOT examination, explaining your condition, treatment and safe usage of the medications you are taking and whether your specific condition is stable. That way there is no surprises for you or the DOT examiner.
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Your comments are also welcome.
John E says
I take Zolpidem for sleep and use a CPAP. Also, I have (as needed) prescription for Xanax. Are these disqualifiers for a Class A license?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ John E
These medications are going to raise questions with the CME. Possibly, with proper medical documentation, you may pass your medical certification examination for a class A cdl medical card. No guarantees. Should be taken on a case by case evaluation.
Kari E M says
CMV Driver has been diagnosed with vertigo, and is on medication.
What is the ruling on Vertigo and the amount of required time off or is it disqualifying.
What medicine would be okay and what are not?
Just want the right information from the source
Thank you.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Kari E M
DOT/FMCSA for class A cdl, if it is Benign positional vertigo, then a 2 month waiting period, asymptomatic, before a new medical certification examination should be performed.
Lots of medications could be used. If there are no additional side effects due to the medication, then they should be fine.
wolfgrrl says
In a rather unusual situation. My CDL requires a medical certificate, however, due to a severe allergic reaction, I am on extremely high doses of histamine blockers that cause the following side effects:
Blurry vision
Balance issues
Itchiness (but no hives)
Moderately severe headaches starting at the forehead to the back of the skull and is sensitivity to light, every day. The headaches come & go throughout the day
Altered mental clarity
Chronic fatigue from high doses of anti-histamines
I put my CDL on hold in October due to the fact that I know I cannot pass the med cert exam, however my company’s short-term disability CMO is currently denying my claim. I’m trying to locate something in writing that will show them that I will be unable to pass my CDL med cert while I am taking these medication. Is there some documentation that outlines this? Please let me know. Thank you!
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Wolfgrrl
Internet search, physical requirements for commercial, class A, medical examination for class A drivers. FMCSA handbook for medical examiners.
Barry S H says
I had brain surgery to remove a cyst from the 3rd ventricle of my brain. They preformed a craniectomy to remove it and I was put on anti-sezure medication after the surgery as a precaution. I never had any seizures but when I went back to the medical examiner for my recertification physical I was declined and told that I have to wait for 1 year from the date of operation to recertify. Luckily my comp is working with me to keep my job but I’m not able to drive so they have me on the dock. Is there any way to get an exemption since my surgeon released me back to work without restrictions?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Barry S H
It is the medication and the surgery that have the CME and you in this bind. For a class A cdl holder, the examiner is going by the DOT/FMCSA guidelines and regulations. Lesser class cdl’s fall under the states guidelines and variances.
Barry S says
So basically no?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Barry S
You might look into intra-state only during your wait period. Intra-state only for a class A driver is under the states guidelines and regulations. Check with your local DLD for guidance on this process.
Jeffrey M says
I have Bipolar II Disorder and hold a NC CDL Class A license. Received a letter from NCDMV for a medical condition as result of a “concerned” citizen. My license to be cancelled on November 13th. Was told to get form I was sent filled out and faxed to Medical Unit and they would lift the cancellation and I’d be ok to drive Commercial Vehicle again.
Dana g says
Had severe vertigo took months to get evaluated by audiologist, ent then had mri w/contrast showed small anomaly on right vestibular area. Mri came out good no stroke/tumors. Dr sent release. I’m still having symptoms of severe pulsating tinnitus, hearing loss , I got hearing aids, and small headaches w/ lightheaded ness , really need to get back to work ! But knowing I’m still feeling alittle weird ? Now what ? Tell Ent he’s wrong or just get job and hit the road , hope it all goes away?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Dana g
You will need a new medical certification examination, but it sounds like you might fail for certification due to your symptoms. Best to get symptom free, otherwise you are a risk to yourself and the public at large.
Len S says
Can Bell’s Palsy with no visual impairment keep me from driving as a CDL driver?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Len S
You should not have any issues with this.
Holly J says
Is there a booklet or somewhere specific that I can find the wording about a neurologist’s signing off on a CDL/DOT physical for someone with muscular distrophy. My husband has myotonic dystrophy and his neurologist will not sign off on his physical (This is a good decision as it is no longer safe for him to drive). I want to attach a copy of this rule along with the letter from his neurologist with his disability application.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Holly J
The neurologist is being ask for a medical release form for your driver. It is the CME who has the final decision as to whether he drives or not. You could find a copy of the medical handbook for medical examiners on the internet.
Anonymous says
Husband will probably get diagnosed with anxiety, and is very worried about losing his class c. Will there be a lapse if he gets diagnosed and has to go on meds. He needs his job and neither of us can afford for him not to work in this economy. He is considering not even going to the doctor because he doesn’t want to lose his cdl and I know he needs help. Not sure what to do here. Any help is appreciated.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Anonymous
This will depend on the class cdl he holds. Class A OTR is the most strict and lesser class cdl’s fall under the states rules, regulations and variances.
Samantha L says
My fiancé who has a CDL A has been out of work for three months. It started off as pain and weakness from a virus, but now after many doctors he is being told it is Tics. He is 36 and never had a situation like this before (Was diagnosed with ADHD as a child). It is not constant, but when it happens it is his left arm and head move toward each other. He’s been driving this whole time. He will be trying Botox in the neck to help this all of a sudden condition. If the neurologist releases him to work and believes he would be able to go back to his job would the medical examiner pass him? He has not been mentioned of needing any medications. We are from CT
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Samantha L
With a release from his neurologist and a medical release form, he should be OK. It will fall to the CME to make the final decision based on his findings and whatever supporting medical documentation is provided.
Steve N says
I’m looking into getting a Class B CDL in Colorado and was told I also have to pass a physical. I have neurological problem with weakness and muscle atrophy in my left arm. Neurologist tested me for all diagnosable neurological problems and all came back negative. Would I be able to pass the CDL physical?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Steve N
Class B cdl has state, not federal, standards and regulations. Best to check with your local DLD for their requirements. Then make sure the medical examiner knows it’s a class B cdl and knows the difference between federal DOT/FMCSA and your states requirements.
gregory j says
I had a small adenomas removed from my pituitary gland I found out that what was causing me to have a extremely low testosterone levels and very little sex drive🤔 I’m a cdl holder does that type surgery keep me on a 1 year post surgery hold per dot
Trucker Docs™ says
@ gregory j
Probably for a few years, just to be monitored by the CME and your physicians.
Curt says
I am wanting to obtain a class a cdl but I do have M.S. and glaucoma so will this restrict me from getting this license?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Curt
Both of these conditions are going to be questionable. The medical examiner is going to want additional information from your doctors before making his final decision.
Susan D says
what mental test/medical form is available for congnitive testing for a licence renewable
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Susan D
License renewal is a state related issue, best to check with your local DLD for guidance.
Jeff P says
I have a benign tumor on my Pituitary, It will be removed but I am unsure of my ability to get medically certified after recovery.
David says
I had a Tia 5 years ago and seen a neurologist for a year following that and was wrote off as being fine at the end of that year. I do not have a cdl or required to have one but was told I need a dot medical to drive my truck and trailer certain places, I passed the dot physical but the examiner is saying I need a release from a neurologist before completely signing off, is this normal or required if it’s been 5 years since incident and have a had a clean bill of health?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ David
The medical examiner is holding you to a class A cdl standard, which you are not. Confirm with your local DLD and get their guidelines and variances. You fall under the states regulations not federal regulations.
Dean R says
I suffered a TBI with no seizures over 12 years ago, I never had any lasting effects from it. I am now trying to get my medical clearance and certification and the Dr is telling me that since I had a TBI I cannot be cleared. What is the regulation, I have been unable to find where it states that. I was also told this information was entered in the DOT database so it cannot be changed or removed and will always show up if I try and get cleared. Do I have any options to obtain my medical card?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Dean R
Some one is over reading the DOT/FMCSA guidelines and regulations. You are now qualified to take a DOT/FMCSA medical certification examination. If everything is within normal limits your medical card will, most likely, be for 1 year at a time. Go get a second opinion from some one else.
jeff says
I had a TIA Feb 2023. My medical card expires 5-31-23. Does the 1yr waiting starts on the 31st? I went back to driving 4 days after the TIA.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Jeff
Start date was TIA. A lot will depend on the class cdl you carry also.
Kevin K says
Today I took my DOT physical in order to return to work after suffering a concussion. My personal doctor signed off with no restrictions. I was told by doctor that since i lost consciousness, I could regulations required me to wait 90 days from the injury before I could operate a Commercial Vehicle. Essentially, I am physically able to do any activity but am being told I can not drive do to a regulation. I have attempted to locate this regulation and I could not. Everything I located referred to guidance not regulations. Can someone direct me to the actual regulation? or is this just the doctor’s personal interpretation of the guidance?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Kevin K
The CME is using the guidelines and recommendation as his guide plus weighing the possible risk factors of a seizure. Not regulations but guidelines and DOT/FMCSA recommendations.
John says
I have been treated for anxiety with Sertraline for 10 years and always received a 2 year certificate. My most recent recertification I was told I could only be approved certified for one year. Has this changed?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ John
Only in the eyes of the medical examiner. It is an area of DOT/FMCSA interpretation by the medical examiner. He may have needed additional supporting documentation from the prescribing physician.