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Is Meniere’s disease a disqualifier?
What if I’ve had surgery for Meniere’s disease?
Does vertigo disqualify me from getting a medical card?
What if I take anti-seisure medication?
Can I pass a DOT physical after having a stroke?
If a driver is diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder will they fail the DOT physical?
If I take antidepressants can I still get a DOT medical card?
Is Meniere’s disease a disqualifier?
Yes. Meniere’s disease is disqualifying because it may bring about a severe condition of vertigo and is unpredictable. The risk here is sudden incapacitation.
What if I’ve had surgery for Meniere’s disease?
Still is a disqualifier. The FMCSA is reviewing this in terms of certification.
Does vertigo disqualify me from getting a medical card?
It could. When the medical examiner does his examination, one of the things he is looking for is things that would be unsafe for you as a driver and how it effects your ability to maintain control of a commercial motor vehicle. Part of that examination is to test for virtigo. If he feels the condition is unsafe then he will not pass you. If he feels there is something that can help you maintain, he may make a suggestion for you to follow-up with a specialist.
Drivers who have had one unprovoked seizure by definition do not have epilepsy (2 or more unprovoked seizures). Drivers who are seizure-free and off anticonvulsant medication(s) for at least 5 years after a single unprovoked seizure can be certified. Earlier return to work may be considered for drivers with a normal EEG who have no epileptic-form activity and normal examination by a neurologist specializing in epilepsy. (This answer from the FMCSA website)
What if I take anti-seizure medication?
Right off the bat you would be disqualified as a CMV driver. There is a new federal exemption for seizure and related medications. You will need to check with the FMCSA regarding that particular paperwork.
Medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy is disqualifying. Where a driver can demonstrate that safety would not be diminished by the condition, it is possible to apply for an exemption.
Can I pass a DOT physical after having a stroke?
It depends on many things, including the likelihood of having another stroke. Your best bet is to first go back to your neurologist and have him/her write a medical opinion letter stating:
- When you had the stroke.
- What was the treatment, and how successful was the outcome.
- What is the treatment you are receiving now.
- The doctor’s medical opinion about your readiness to return to work as a driver. Make sure that he/she knows all of your physical daily activities as a commerial driver.
With that information in hand when you go to do your DOT medical examination, then the DOT examiner has all the appropriate information to determine your physical state of fitness to perform the duties of a commercial driver.
If a driver is diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder will they fail the DOT physical?
Well, it isn’t that you fail outright, but you will be asked questions regarding the condition:
- What treatment routine has been established.
- How long you’ve been on that routine.
- How are you responding to treatment/medication, etc.
So just prepare for the question line in advance, bring documentation from your treating doctor with you, and you could do just fine.
If I take antidepressants can I still get a DOT medical card?
Well it’s not impossible, but what you will need to do is get a medical opinion letter from your treating physician that states:
- When you were diagnosed with the condition?
- What treatment program does he/she have you on?
- Is the condition stable?
- Does your physician feel you could do the duties of a commercial driver and be safe for yourself and the people/public around you?
Then take that information the DOT physical appointment. It will still be the DOT medical examiner’s decision whether or not to certify you.
I have an anxiety disorder on and off. This raises my BP readings. Can I still pass the DOT physical if I take beta-blockers?
You should talk with your primary healthcare provider to determine whether or not this would interfere with the responsibilities and stress of being a commercial motor vehicle operator. If your doctor feels OK about your driving and understands the role of a commercial motor vehicle operator, then he should write a medical opinion letter for you to take to the DOT examination, explaining your condition, treatment and safe usage of the medications you are taking and whether your specific condition is stable. That way there is no surprises for you or the DOT examiner.
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Hi i was in a car accident 13 yrars ago and got whip lash, so I my can not touch my ear to my shoulder. Range of motion is limited but not horrible. Will the doc have an issue with that? I’m not on any medications.
@ Raquel F
FMCSA has a general range of cervical motion, but it sounds like you should be fine.
I was diagnosed with Valley Fever 6 years ago and a shunt was placed in my brain during a brain swelling incident. The medication I take (Fluconazole) does not cause drowsiness and keeps the virus at bay. Will I be denied DOT clearance?
@ Harvey D
You can clear a DOT, but you are going to need to provide medical documentation for the DOT examiners.
In January I was diagnosed with a benign meningioma on the brain stem that was removed. I’ve been treated and released by my surgeon to go back to work. The DOT doctor says I have to wait one year before they an give me a medical card. Can benign tumors be appealed? if so what is the process and how long can that take?.
@ Tom B
If you are a class A interstate driver, then the examiner is following the FMCSA rules and regulations to make his decision. If you are a lesser class or an intra-state only driver, then you fall under the states variances. Check with your state licensing for your appeal process, if you fall under state variance.
I’d hate to be the guy who asks the obvious question but how are there truck drivers at all with all these restrictions literally every one who exists could be diagnosed with one of these issues
I have epilepsy. i take medication for it. I have not had a seizure since 1993. I drive a car, fire truck and an ambulance. I was told that i failed DOT physical. Would I qualify for an exemption?
@ Rob J
Short answer, yes. You will need to check with the DOT/FMCSA for the process.
I have epilepsy and have not had a seizure since 1993. I am on medication. I drive a car, fire truck, an ambulance. Tried once for DOT physical and was told i would never pass. I also have High Blood Pressure and take medicine. Would I qualify for an exemption?
@ Rob J
Short answer, yes. You will need to check with the DOT/FMCSA for the process.
I’ve had cataplexy for the past 12 years and I’m prescribed medications to control my cataplexy events. Am I disqualified from receiving a DOT Medical Card?
@ JW
Proper medical documentation from your physicians will be needed. If the condition is controlled, and the means is satisfactory to the examiner, then you may have a chance for a cdl medical examination. Be Prepared.
I was diagnosed with PTSD about 4 years ago, anger, irritability and anxiety. I was prescribed propranolol, typically a heart medication.
I’ve had my class A since ’92 never failed my physical.
I applied for a job and they require you to see their doctor. So I did and he restricted me to a yearly physical. He said it doesn’t matter why your taking it, it’s a heart medication and restricted me to a year.
I’m looking for clarification.
Was my other doctor wrong in giving me a regular 2 year physical or is this new doctor wrong in restricting me.
They both know what the medication is for, I had the proscription with me every time.
@ Arnold M
This recent examiner is interpreting the FMCSA guidelines one way and the other examiners interpreted it differently. By understanding the reasoning for the medication, then the CME may make a more informed decision. Try getting your prescribing doctor to send a note explaining your situation. It may be enough for the CME.
Hello All,
Thank you in advance. I am looking to confirm the diagnosis I received from a DOT exam. I was told I cannot qualify for a DOT Medical Card until I have completed a one year waiting period due to a Subdural Hematoma surgery procedure.
Is this feedback accurate?
Thank you, Ric
@ Ric S
If you are a class A, OTR driver, then the CME is following the FMCSA guideline to the letter. You may want to look into Intra-state only during the wait.
In Sept. I told by the DOT dr that my vertigo needs to be proven not to be Menerize disease. I finally seen the neurologist today, and was diagnosed with Vestibular Migraines. Will this be enough for DOT drs to finally pass my DOT physical? Thank you in advance.
@ Cindy M L
You will need further documentation due to a new diagnosis. The CME is looking at the FMCSA guidelines and weighing the ‘Risk Factors’ involved, that’s his job. If supporting medical documentation can confirm that the risk is non-existent, you’ll get your medical card.
I was wondering if having mild controlled asthma would disqualify me. I haven’t had an asthma attack in over 15 years and take Advair daily for the past 15 years. Plan on doing local driving. Also I have a peanut allergy and carry epi pens Just incase of allergic reaction. Planning on going to cdl school in 2 weeks but don’t want to waste the money if I cant drive.
Thank you
@ Rick
As long as your condition is well under control and you carry an emergency inhaler, you should be fine. The CME may request some additional medical documentation, based on his findings during the examination.
I’m actively looking for a job out of state. I’ve been issued a one year card for the last 3 years because of a bipolar diagnosis and the medication I was on. With the doctors approval I have been off of medication for one year. I think the diagnosis was false and I assume my doctor thinks the same because he has put me on PRN(as needed) visits. Can I have documentation from my current home state doctor to use after moving out of state to get my dot card? I think it would be kind of difficult to find a doctor in another state, without knowing my medical history, to have them give me the all clear. Also if I can get my two year card back in my home state will there be any issues when I have to check the box that says “have you ever been issued a card for less than two years”?
@ Anonymous
Recent medical documentation from your regular physician works everywhere. Make sure you get medical release forms from your doctors. Most likely, the CME is going to hold you to a year, at least for awhile.
My husband (60 years old) has been diagnosed with early onset dementia. He takes Donzapril, Memantine, Plavix and Gabapentin. He also had a heart attack 1 year ago and had a pace maker put in a couple of months ago for a slow heart rate. Will he lose his CDL
@ Dana
His cdl is a state issued license. Your state may require a valid DOT medical card to maintain his cdl. Check with your states DLD for the best answer.
I have an anxiety disorder and take xanax for the last 17 years. My condition is under control but I’m concerned that the medication I take may disqualify me even though I don’t have the side effects from the medication due to being on it for so long ( no drowsiness or dizziness. I want to drive school bus. Would it be wise for me to change my medication to a different one and if so do you know which Medications are approved so I’m not denied?
@ Anna
No need to change your medications. You will be driving school bus and so you fall under the states variances, not FMCSA. Make sure the examiner know the difference between the two.
I really wanted to say I have NOT found anything to state or support what or reason why I have to go see a neurologist???? And I did found out he was suppose to complete my exam then tell me what I needed to do. But he has not told me anything except he just took my money and left me hanging.
I am up for renewal and the physician tells me that I have to get a letter from my doctor stating the fact that I took Gabapentin for diabetic nerve pain now he tells me I need to go see a neurologist even though I quit taking it cause it did nothing for me and my son informed me that they made it into a narcotic class. I am type 2 and take metformin twice a day and I have found nothing to state this I get renewed every year and this is the first time I have ran into this and I do not have the money for this and I am wondering is he telling the truth or trying to get more money out of me and I have already paid and still I got to go see another doctor and for what and he did not complete my exam??? I have bad knees and no cartilage in my right knee is just about gone. I do have arthritis in them and few other places. I do everything my doctors says to do and still no enough. And I need help I got bills to pay and I do research but what I have found does tell me why I need to see a neurologist?? I did look up the drug list and sure enough it was on there.
@ Maxx M
Go get a second opinion elsewhere.
I have been diagnosed with clinical depression and have been committed twice I am not taking any medication and it has been a year since I was wondering would I still be able to pass my dot medical.
@ Alex
You are going to need medical documentation before being able to do the examination. Check with the DOT examiner and ask what he/she will need before performing a DOT medical certification examination.
I’ve already been driving for a year and a half. I’ve been diagnosed with apergers as a child and don’t require any medications or assistance. Unfortunately the psychiatrist who I was with wants to see children who need medication. Do I need to bring a doctor’s letter for my next physical?
@ Ben
The CME may request further documentation, but if you are not on any medications, then it’s unlikely.
I currently hold a class A CDL in the state of TX and remain gainfully employed. This past October I was diagnosed with a DVT within the left sinus cavity of my brain, which resulted with an with the onset of hydrocephalus. I have since been placed on meds to clear up the DVT, and was necessary to have a VP shunt placed to rectify the hydrocephalus portion of my illness. I have since been released by my neurosurgeon “With no restrictions or physical limitations” to return to work. I have since been driving without any sort of seizures or other questionable incidents. As far as I can tell, I have no physical limitations that would prevent me from passing the medical portion of the certification. Is there currently anything in writing that prohibits the examiner from certifying me to continue on with my employment? In addition to that, I drive strictly intrastate in a Class B vehicle, not much larger than that of the non-CDL vehicles on the road in and around Houston. My out–of-town trips mainly consist of an occasional trip toward Dallas, San-Antonio and such.
@ Albert VB
With proper documentation and a medical release form from your neurosurgeon you should be fine. You fall under the states variances, so make sure the examiner understands your job and drivers class.
I have held a CDL for more than 25 years. I drive a small special purpose bus for my day care center. I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis in December 2011. The symptom that alerted me was drooping eyelids. My symptoms are under control with medication and I have no active symptoms nor has there been any progression of the disease. I have received clearance from my neurologist every year, including this year. I go to get a CDL physical annually and the physicians have accepted the neurologist’s letter of medical opinion. However, when I went for my physical this year (and I had a newly dated medical release), the doctor at the clinic where I went would not grant approve the physical because I was unable too walk on my toes. I have arthritis in my ankles which is the cause for this, which I told her, but she wrote on the form that it was because of the Myasthenia. She said if I could not walk on my toes, I could not depress the brake pedal properly – which is odd since I have been doing it with no problem for seven years! She told me I could not appeal this. What do I do?
@ Cathy B
Unless you are a class A driver, you would fall under your states variances too. Try getting a second opinion, someplace else. Also explain the driving job that you have and your existing license class.