Please read through the Q&A before posting a question. This will help everyone to not have duplicate questions. Thank you!
If you still can’t find a related answer, then you are welcome to ask your question in the comments section below.
Is Meniere’s disease a disqualifier?
What if I’ve had surgery for Meniere’s disease?
Does vertigo disqualify me from getting a medical card?
What if I take anti-seisure medication?
Can I pass a DOT physical after having a stroke?
If a driver is diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder will they fail the DOT physical?
If I take antidepressants can I still get a DOT medical card?
Is Meniere’s disease a disqualifier?
Yes. Meniere’s disease is disqualifying because it may bring about a severe condition of vertigo and is unpredictable. The risk here is sudden incapacitation.
What if I’ve had surgery for Meniere’s disease?
Still is a disqualifier. The FMCSA is reviewing this in terms of certification.
Does vertigo disqualify me from getting a medical card?
It could. When the medical examiner does his examination, one of the things he is looking for is things that would be unsafe for you as a driver and how it effects your ability to maintain control of a commercial motor vehicle. Part of that examination is to test for virtigo. If he feels the condition is unsafe then he will not pass you. If he feels there is something that can help you maintain, he may make a suggestion for you to follow-up with a specialist.
Drivers who have had one unprovoked seizure by definition do not have epilepsy (2 or more unprovoked seizures). Drivers who are seizure-free and off anticonvulsant medication(s) for at least 5 years after a single unprovoked seizure can be certified. Earlier return to work may be considered for drivers with a normal EEG who have no epileptic-form activity and normal examination by a neurologist specializing in epilepsy. (This answer from the FMCSA website)
What if I take anti-seizure medication?
Right off the bat you would be disqualified as a CMV driver. There is a new federal exemption for seizure and related medications. You will need to check with the FMCSA regarding that particular paperwork.
Medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy is disqualifying. Where a driver can demonstrate that safety would not be diminished by the condition, it is possible to apply for an exemption.
Can I pass a DOT physical after having a stroke?
It depends on many things, including the likelihood of having another stroke. Your best bet is to first go back to your neurologist and have him/her write a medical opinion letter stating:
- When you had the stroke.
- What was the treatment, and how successful was the outcome.
- What is the treatment you are receiving now.
- The doctor’s medical opinion about your readiness to return to work as a driver. Make sure that he/she knows all of your physical daily activities as a commerial driver.
With that information in hand when you go to do your DOT medical examination, then the DOT examiner has all the appropriate information to determine your physical state of fitness to perform the duties of a commercial driver.
If a driver is diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder will they fail the DOT physical?
Well, it isn’t that you fail outright, but you will be asked questions regarding the condition:
- What treatment routine has been established.
- How long you’ve been on that routine.
- How are you responding to treatment/medication, etc.
So just prepare for the question line in advance, bring documentation from your treating doctor with you, and you could do just fine.
If I take antidepressants can I still get a DOT medical card?
Well it’s not impossible, but what you will need to do is get a medical opinion letter from your treating physician that states:
- When you were diagnosed with the condition?
- What treatment program does he/she have you on?
- Is the condition stable?
- Does your physician feel you could do the duties of a commercial driver and be safe for yourself and the people/public around you?
Then take that information the DOT physical appointment. It will still be the DOT medical examiner’s decision whether or not to certify you.
I have an anxiety disorder on and off. This raises my BP readings. Can I still pass the DOT physical if I take beta-blockers?
You should talk with your primary healthcare provider to determine whether or not this would interfere with the responsibilities and stress of being a commercial motor vehicle operator. If your doctor feels OK about your driving and understands the role of a commercial motor vehicle operator, then he should write a medical opinion letter for you to take to the DOT examination, explaining your condition, treatment and safe usage of the medications you are taking and whether your specific condition is stable. That way there is no surprises for you or the DOT examiner.
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Your comments are also welcome.
Trent W says
I went for a physical today and was told I may not be cleared to drive any longer since I had chiari malformation surgery 8 years ago. My neurologist cleared me and I have had checkups to see if everything is good and it is. Is there a regulation that says I can’t drive? I have been driving in Washington state since 1993.
S. J says
I am a diesel mechanic and own my own business. I have my CDL to test drive trucks that have been repaired. I had an angiogram after having a stress test and ended up getting 3 stents. They did however say that there was a brain “snow shower” (stroke?) shown on my MRI. They do not know if it happened during or after the angiogram and stents. I did not and have not had any physical symptoms of a stroke. I had the angiogram and stents on March 31, 2017 and was cleared to go back to work on April 4, 2017. I have not driven a cdl truck on the road since then because of the liability. The only medicine that I take are Plavix, baby aspirin and Repatha shots. Will there be a waiting period to get my medical card.
George M says
I am trying to obtain a NYS CDL B.intrastate I was in the last year diagnosed with sleep apnea and recently early onset demntia,I am on medications for these and have no issues. Are these going to be cause of denial of a CDL?
Bob Z says
I recently had a TIA (Sept 7th, 2017), I was cleared by the treating physician, and the neurologist, the Doctor who does my D.O.T physical told me I have be recertified and that there is a one year waiting period. I’m having a hard time finding any regulation that corroborates his statement. We are dealing with Wisconsin D.O.T and/or Federal regulations. I am a class A cdl holder.
would you please help answer my question?
Randy B says
I’m dealing with the same isssues. I believe there going on the information found in this link here:
chuck d says
I had a stroke in March this year.Had to come up with my own rehab due to the the v.a.didnt with it.I walk,talk,jog if it needs be ,I exercise.Eat like a rabbit,no smoking,the whole 9 yards kinda thing.Seen neurologist and did mri.came out that I can drive,was released.Took all paperwork to md mva (hand carried it.)Was turned down,told to return in 1 year!as of now,3months and waiting on March 6th,2018.
Scott H says
I had a TIA in March of 2014. It is Mandatory by Federal DOT that you must take a minim of 1 year off of driving any type of commercial vehicles. I also had to go through the pre trip and skills test before I got my CDL reinstated.
Jake M says
In my early 20’s I had a head injury and was required to get a medical liscence. When it expired I did not bother to renew it. Now I am 59 and have been seizure and medication free for 33 years and have not seen a Nuerologist in that long also. I have moved to the country and find I am in need of driving again. How can I get a drivers liscence, How do I find a doctor if I will need to pass a physical to get one
John says
Last November I was ina semi to semi accident not my fault I was unconscious for a little while woke up in ambulance heading to hospital I would say under a hour emt I was broke down on side of road other driving was going faster than speed limit working oil field I was cover in food can food case of soda , clothes emt did realize I was still in truck for god only knows was diagnosed with post concussion syndrome had dizziness headache still have minor headache never goes away never had a seizure that I know none listed on records but doctor put me of a anti seizure meds anyway said it would help me sleep not being Released would I need a release from a neurologist my doctor iOS just a general workers conp doctor not a neurologist
Trucker Docs™ says
@ John
Being on anti-seizure meds is definitely going to raise questions. A medical release is going to be needed and you will have to provide medical documentation after you are taken off the present medications. Have to question why a general workers comp physician would place you on a anti-seizure meds.
Ronnie N says
Hi I’m glad I found you guys on the internet! I’ve been going to truck driving school have my learner’s permit. Supposedly the company that is sponsoring me does hair follicle exams. I have already passed a DOT physical and have my medical certificate. My question is this. The company that is sponsoring me is overly stringent on all counts meaning I will have to have another DOT physical urine sample and hair follicle test. I have paid out of pocket for my own hair follicle test and passed, also recent multiple urinalysis’s have passed. I have a history of self-diagnosed anxiety and depression and took meds such as antidepressants and buspirone in the past. I’ve been off these meds for quite some time as in months and years and do not have any abnormal problems with anxiety and depression. Even when I thought I did it turns out in my mind at least and my doctors, that it was all relative to a dying relative, family problems, and a very poor job. Those problems have now been eliminated. Even when I was on the meds they did not work well if it all because obviously there were external causes that needed to be eliminated with coping skills and no medication can help in that situation in my opinion and the doctors. That being said I am confident I have the coping skills that I needed in the first place. Another thing I’ve read is that when an individual suffers these conditions due to grief it is not a disqualifier. Is that true? My condition is non-existent and certainly pales in comparison to the many horror stories I’ve read here. I plan to not disclose to the question on the DOT physical form asking if I’ve ever had nervousness anxiety or depression since I’m not on any medication and not having any problems, passed a hair follicle and urine test. The biggest problem appears to be here is when people are honest they don’t get the job so I’m told by school recruiters. What I also read is once that you commit to not disclose one needs to continue to do so as the forms are uploaded and any differentiation between one or the other might throw up a red flag. In my research on the internet and even your site I might add, it appears that it would be one in a million for me to have any problems with employers or the Dot. I’m wondering if they were to request my medical records both employers and Dot, how far back can they reasonably and legally request for such medical records. I thought my privacy would protect me due to HIPAA regulations, but found out that the Dot has a way around that. Isn’t that special!? Also a case that has been made that to allow people access to my medical records would compromise me in many ways. Many blogs and threads say do not disclose something so minor to a trucking company and if they persist go elsewhere for employment. On the other hand these blogs and threads appeared to be quite old and some cases and there are even hints that most if not all trucking companies will demand your medical records. I find it quite hypocritical that these same trucking companies would be so intrusive when many of them are unscrupulous as to purposely overload trucks weight wise, keep drivers out past their maximum drive time allowed,provide bad equipment Etc and force drivers to do innumerable illegal and risky things as well as constantly con and scam honest hard-working drivers. So what do you think Docs? take two aspirins don’t disclose to the devil and call you in the morning? Many thanks in advance. Ronnie
PS. This is all coming together super fast hope to hear from you soon so I can apply the best strategy to this situation with success.
Gary E G says
I fell off the top step in my work semi it was freezing rain so I pulled over to a safe place. Found out 2 years later that I had a cyst on my brain. The surgeon operated on it and removed it. Never had a heart attack or epilepsy. Now the work company doctor said I can’t drive for one year. I want find anything saying that. I did find a 60 day period. I am in great health.
Trucker Docs™ says
With proper documentation / medical release from your doctor, go to another medical examiner for a second opinion.
Gary G says
Okay, Thank you for answering my question.
Think that might fall under a mild TBI injury with a 1 year wait.
Paul D says
I hit the back of head on concrete and was unconscious for some time. This happened a year ago. Had a 72 hour EEG and it ruled out any seizures. The treating occupational doctor said I couldn’t drive for 5 years due to a seizure, but after the EEG ruled it out he changed and said that the reason I couldn’t drive was because I had some bleeding in the brain, I think he called it petikei ( small blood spots). Would this bench me for 5 years?
Trucker Docs™ says
It shouldn’t bench you for 5 year, but you’ll need supporting documentation from your treating physician with the EEG, to help the CME make a final decision.
Linda B says
I fell and hit the back of my head on the cement, no broken skin, just a big lump, never lost consciousness, and never had a seizure. My husband took me to the emergency room, to find out that I had cracked my skull open and bled into the brain a little. My neurologist released me to drive school bus on May 1, 2017,the last 3 weeks of school. Last week I went for my physical and was denied until March 2018 because he said that I could have a seizure. If I was released by my neurologist do I still have to wait with the proper documentation from my doctor?
Trucker Docs™ says
You’re a school bus driver. You do not full under FMCSA requirements for class A drivers. You’ll need to check with your local state drivers license department.
Mark says
Hello I’ve been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy for quite some time. I’ve been driving for 10 years and my disease is starting to get worse and worse but I don’t let it slow me. I do a lot of heavy hauling and chain stuff down all the time and hook and unhook doubles 6-8 times a day. I’m very active even though I have a hard time doing stuff. I walk around with a limp and have a little hard time getting in and out of the truck. I don’t feel that it limits my ability to drive a truck. I’ve been in a truck since I was born and with my disibilities I’m still better then most drivers on the road. My question is that if I tell my dot physical examiner what I have, will I not be able to get my physical? Or is there special exemptions that they would give me? I see drivers out there that can hardly move and get in and out of trucks that are still driving. Besides my muscle disorder I’m one of the most healthiest people out there. Ever since I was a kid alls I’ve wanted to do was drive truck and I’d be heart broken if I couldn’t.
Trucker Docs™ says
You should be truthful on your health history form. If your condition does not limit your ability to perform your duties as a CMV operator then you shouldn’t have any problem. If your condition is limiting you would want to check with FMCSA for a possible waiver.
kristy says
Does Parkinson’s disease automatically disqualify you to have a CDL license in Florida per DOT rules and regulations.
Trucker Docs™ says
It will depend on the class CDL that you are going for. Class A interstate or class B or C, each will have different requirements and will fall under different governing bodies. If you are not going for a class A, then you would need to check with the local drivers license department in your state.
Josh says
Have a cyst in my brain. My last surgery was in 2000 to replace the shunt that was installed to fix my problem. Have had my CDLs for 15 years and a DOT medical exam every two years. And every medical examiner has passed me with no problems. This last place that I have went to his require me to get a MRI and will not pass me on my medical exam until I get one. Has something changed in the last two years?
Trucker Docs™ says
All you should need is a medical release form from your primary neurologist explaining your situation and to help provide supporting documentation. The CME should be looking for supporting data, not requesting an MRI. It is outside of the FMCSA’s guidelines for the CME program.
Richard B says
If a driver has been hospitalized for shortness of breath, Is he required to retake his DOT physical before he can drive a CMV?
Trucker Docs™ says
Yes. And make sure you have a medical release from your doctor for return to work.
Faust R says
I’ve had my CDL since 2001. I had an acoustic neuroma removed in 1999. I have disclosed this info every time my physical was due. This year they are telling me I need a waiver from my personal physician that states that I will not have an episode while driving. I have never had any adverse effects since the surgery. Do I need this waiver, or is there somewhere in the guidelines I can show my doctor that this is not a problem.
Trucker Docs™ says
You don’t need a waiver, just a medical release form from your doctor explaining your situation and that you have had no issues.
Jeffrey T says
Yes I have a CDL A license and my medical card experience in August this year. And I’m out on Medical leave. How long do I have until I have to renew my medical card. I know that I can’t drive without my medical card. Just trying to find out how long I have until I lose my class A license. So I don’t have to go back and start over again
Trucker Docs™ says
Depending on the state you are in the time lag differs – but – your CDL will be downgraded not long after your medical card expires.
Contact your local drivers license to see what you can do to maintain your CDL. They may allow you to self-certify “excepted” until you start driving again, or for a certain amount of time.
Sonja says
I was diagnosed with vertigo back in April and have been on temporary disability since then. My card expired yesterday. I cannot get it until I’m released from my doctor which hopefully will be in July. I have had my CDL for 17 years and don’t want to have to go through all of that again. Is there any kind of medical waiver or anything like that so all I have to do is get my DOT card? I live in Tennessee. Thank you!
Trucker Docs™ says
Contact your local drivers license department to explain that you are out for medical reasons. They should have a process in place to take care of this until you have a new medical card.
Billy says
How about bipolar. I’ve had my cdl for almost 3 years now. I was diagnosed with ptsd almost 2 years ago and the medicine I was taking made the doc only cert me for a year. No biggie. Now this year …actually a couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed as bipolar and added an extra medicine. The first being depakote and the second being effexor? Is this gonna cause me to loose my certification and my cdl???
Trucker Docs™ says
It is going to raise questions, so take as much supporting documentation as possible from your doctor explaining your condition and situation. And make sure you have a medical release form from your doctor also.
Brandi says
I fainted @ work 8 months ago. I frequently have to bend up and down, got a little dizzy and pass out. That’s the only time that ever happened to me. It was extremely hot that day also. doctor put syncope which he thought was do to anxiety and fear being it was my 2nd day on the job. Does this disqualify me from getting my cdl?
Trucker Docs™ says
With proper documentation from your doctor explaining your situation and it being a one time incident, you should be OK, if all else is with in normal limits.
Robyn C says
This may be a little lengthy. My son had a motorcycle accident 6 years ago and was 13 minutes without oxygen to his brain. With that being said he has minimal myclonic tremors. He is on medication to slow down these tremors and they are anti seizure meds even though he does not have seizures. He has never had seizures from the get go. Only small tremors. He has been on this medication since the accident happened in 2012. He also takes 1 mg of clonazapam in the evening. Will he be disqualified in trying to get his CDC license? He would like to drive concrete or rock trucks for an aggregate company in the area. Will he be turned away from getting a license?
Trucker Docs™ says
He will need a medical release form from his doctor explaining his situation. Then, based on the class drivers license he would be required to have to perform the duties of the job he wants, he would need to check with his local drivers license department. He may be restricted to intra-state only, based on his medications alone, but he would then fall under his states variances and not FMCSA. Good luck.
N D says
My husband had bariatric sleeve surgery a month ago. Is he able to get his re-certification to return to work if his Dr has cleared him? Thank you
Trucker Docs™ says
@N D
Once he has been released and has a medical release form in hand from his doctor explaining his situation, he should be fine.
Scott says
I’ve been a suffer of migraines for years and just recently 2/1/17 had a Carotid Artery Dissection and had 3 stents in my interior carotid artery. I’ve since been on Plavix for blood thinning and aspirin. I’m on Butalbital/Acetaminophen/Caffeine for migraine pain and Nortriptyline for the migraine. I take Prochlorperazine for nausea, shaky feeling and to help get to sleep at night. I am currently taking Atorvastatin for colesterol management and Lisinopril-HCTZ for blood pressure. Will any of these medications affect my ability to pass my DOT physical If so which ones.
Trucker Docs™ says
Your medications are going to raise questions, but your over all physical conditions are going to stand in your way of passing a FMCSA guidelines physical examination. It’s going to be a safety issue, in your case.