Please read through the Q&A before posting a question. This will help everyone to not have duplicate questions. Thank you!
If you still can’t find a related answer, then you are welcome to ask your question in the comments section below.
Is Meniere’s disease a disqualifier?
What if I’ve had surgery for Meniere’s disease?
Does vertigo disqualify me from getting a medical card?
What if I take anti-seisure medication?
Can I pass a DOT physical after having a stroke?
If a driver is diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder will they fail the DOT physical?
If I take antidepressants can I still get a DOT medical card?
Is Meniere’s disease a disqualifier?
Yes. Meniere’s disease is disqualifying because it may bring about a severe condition of vertigo and is unpredictable. The risk here is sudden incapacitation.
What if I’ve had surgery for Meniere’s disease?
Still is a disqualifier. The FMCSA is reviewing this in terms of certification.
Does vertigo disqualify me from getting a medical card?
It could. When the medical examiner does his examination, one of the things he is looking for is things that would be unsafe for you as a driver and how it effects your ability to maintain control of a commercial motor vehicle. Part of that examination is to test for virtigo. If he feels the condition is unsafe then he will not pass you. If he feels there is something that can help you maintain, he may make a suggestion for you to follow-up with a specialist.
Drivers who have had one unprovoked seizure by definition do not have epilepsy (2 or more unprovoked seizures). Drivers who are seizure-free and off anticonvulsant medication(s) for at least 5 years after a single unprovoked seizure can be certified. Earlier return to work may be considered for drivers with a normal EEG who have no epileptic-form activity and normal examination by a neurologist specializing in epilepsy. (This answer from the FMCSA website)
What if I take anti-seizure medication?
Right off the bat you would be disqualified as a CMV driver. There is a new federal exemption for seizure and related medications. You will need to check with the FMCSA regarding that particular paperwork.
Medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy is disqualifying. Where a driver can demonstrate that safety would not be diminished by the condition, it is possible to apply for an exemption.
Can I pass a DOT physical after having a stroke?
It depends on many things, including the likelihood of having another stroke. Your best bet is to first go back to your neurologist and have him/her write a medical opinion letter stating:
- When you had the stroke.
- What was the treatment, and how successful was the outcome.
- What is the treatment you are receiving now.
- The doctor’s medical opinion about your readiness to return to work as a driver. Make sure that he/she knows all of your physical daily activities as a commerial driver.
With that information in hand when you go to do your DOT medical examination, then the DOT examiner has all the appropriate information to determine your physical state of fitness to perform the duties of a commercial driver.
If a driver is diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder will they fail the DOT physical?
Well, it isn’t that you fail outright, but you will be asked questions regarding the condition:
- What treatment routine has been established.
- How long you’ve been on that routine.
- How are you responding to treatment/medication, etc.
So just prepare for the question line in advance, bring documentation from your treating doctor with you, and you could do just fine.
If I take antidepressants can I still get a DOT medical card?
Well it’s not impossible, but what you will need to do is get a medical opinion letter from your treating physician that states:
- When you were diagnosed with the condition?
- What treatment program does he/she have you on?
- Is the condition stable?
- Does your physician feel you could do the duties of a commercial driver and be safe for yourself and the people/public around you?
Then take that information the DOT physical appointment. It will still be the DOT medical examiner’s decision whether or not to certify you.
I have an anxiety disorder on and off. This raises my BP readings. Can I still pass the DOT physical if I take beta-blockers?
You should talk with your primary healthcare provider to determine whether or not this would interfere with the responsibilities and stress of being a commercial motor vehicle operator. If your doctor feels OK about your driving and understands the role of a commercial motor vehicle operator, then he should write a medical opinion letter for you to take to the DOT examination, explaining your condition, treatment and safe usage of the medications you are taking and whether your specific condition is stable. That way there is no surprises for you or the DOT examiner.
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Your comments are also welcome.
Frank says
I have a Class A Cdl but I don’t drive for a living. Got my cdl about 20 years ago and don’t really want to give it up. Without the medical card then I automatically loose it. I guess my issue is that I take remeron and risteril for sleep. I don’t plan on driving commercially but I don’t think it’s fair that I can loose my license without a dot card. What recommendations do you offer please?
Trucker Docs says
It depends which category you self-certify, and the regulations of your state. You may be able to keep your CDL without a medical card.
This article on CDL medical certification requirements should answer most questions on this subject.
Read the TIP at the end of the article – Not driving but want to keep your CDL.
Shirley says
We have an Iowa driver who had a stroke in the spring. He was told by the Iowa DOT he cannot get a medical card for 6 yrs. We are a trucking company for hire, he insists in Iowa he does not have to have a medical card to drive. I can not find anywhere in what I have researched where he can drive without a medical card for us. I can find where he could drive a farm truck to haul grain to market without the card but nothing I find says he can drive for us without his medical card.
Can you help us out with this, we cannot put him behind the wheel according to our Insurance without the medical card but he is insisting this is not true. Thank you.
Trucker Docs says
Well lots of questions would need answering for the stroke issue. You don’t give enough information for this.
Question about the need for a medical card? If he wants to drive interstate for any company, anywhere in the US, even intrastate in Iowa, he has to have a medical card.
See Iowa CDL and DOT Medical Card Requirements.
Michelle says
I had a non-epileptic seizure at work and am currently having ECT treatments for depression. My Boss says I can’t drive for 10 years because of the seizure and even if I hadn’t had the seizure she says I have to wait 3 months after ECT treatment before I can drive. DOT doctor gave me my card knowing I was having these treatments, what do you think?
Trucker Docs says
I think the doctor who did your examination and gave you a valid medical card does not understand his role as a DOT medical examiner.
The one time seizure and off any type of anti-convusant is a minimum of one year waiting period.
And the ECT treatments needs more information before I could even begin to try to answer your question.
So, based on a small amount of information you have provided, you should be in a waiting period of at least one year and your medical card then will be limited to one year at the time.
Steve W says
On October 31, 2008 I was treated for Bipolar Disorder and OCD through the VA hospital/clinic. I have been on several medications from day 1 and I have no side effects from the medication. I will most likely take this medication the rest of my life. Does this disqualify from obtaining my CDL?
Trucker Docs says
It will mostly depend on the medications you are taking for the bipolar condition.
I would get a medical release form filled out by your primary doctor, explaining your condition and your meds.
Then the DOT examiner has more information to work with. You may be limited to driving intra-state, but I am not sure.
Chris P says
I’ve had Meniere’s Disease since 2004. On Thursday, July 3, 2014, I went for my physical exam and was informed that as of April 2014, Meniere’s is disqualifying. It is the one job that I am able to do without restrictions. I don’t want to lose my cdl license which will result in me losing my job. Please advise.
Trucker Docs says
Meniere’s has always been a disqualifier.
Your examiner has now been made aware if this.
If you are not an OTR driver, you may be able to get your primary care doctor to complete a medical release form for you and see if that will work as an intra-state only driver. That way you can keep your CDL and your job without trying to qualify as an OTR driver.
Good Luck.
Carla says
With the new laws now , can they take my CDL if i was just found out i have MS
Trucker Docs says
If your diagnosis is confirmed with your neurologist, then get a note from him regarding his treatment plan and any medications. Take that note, with a completed medical release form to your DOT examiner. It helps him make a qualifying decision.
dennis c says
Gentlemen: I had diagnosed acute appendicitis on the 20th of April 2014..Procedure was laparoscopic appendectomy. Discharged next day ..Provided my company with the discharge instructions and my return to work was May 9,2014…The company, Schneider uses a third party and they informed me I would have to go back to our family doctor and have him/her sign their own forms. They wanted to know diagnosis, and post op instructions,and to wit they wanted me to sign a form releasing my medical records to them.. I do not have to release my medical records to anyone especially a third party entity..Subpart P- Confidentiality and Release of Information 40.321
My procedure was not drug nor alcohol related and they were given my clearance with no restrictions to return to work…. They (FirstLab), have informed me if I do not sign the release of my medical records I will not return to my job! This is bull….I’m in my 25 year as a driver instructor,driver ,etc. .I’m also educated and personally think they are in violation of my rights as a driver.. What would you do? Sincerely–Denny C
Trucker Docs says
Ok, the short answer is:
Once you were no longer in a position, (acute appendicitis) to operate a commercial motor vehicle, then you must get a new medical examination to return to work. That’s the regulation / law via FMCSA.
What your DOT examiner needs is a note from your primary healthcare provider stating that you are ready and able, according to the job description posted on the FMCSA website, to return to work.
Your employer only needs to know that you have taken and passed a new DOT medical examination and that you are fit to operate a CMV according to the DOT examiner. That’s it.
James says
Does taking gabapentin for restless legs disqualify me? Thank you.
Trucker Docs says
This drug may make you dizzy or drowsy or cause blurred vision. Do not drive, use machinery, or do any activity that requires alertness or clear vision until you are sure you can perform such activities safely.
These would be reasons not to qualify a driver of a commercial motor vehicle. If you have been on this medication for any length of time, have your doctor write a note explaining your condition and your response to the medication. This helps the DOT examiner make reasonable decisions.
J.C. says
I have OCD and have been on Celexa and Abilify for the last 5 years. The medicine keeps pretty much all symtoms under control. Will being treated for this disqualify me from getting a cdl?
Trucker Docs says
@ J.C.
Just download the medical release form from our blog and have your primary healthcare provider fill it out for you and take it to your next DOT medical examination. The blog post will give you more information too.
Sandra W says
A Driver had a stroke 8 years ago. He was released to drive again after a six month recovery period. He has driven a truck for the last seven years with no issue. Would the fact that the driver now takes Plavix ( blood thinner) as a preventive against future stokes be a problem in a DOT physical?
Trucker Docs says
I would make sure the driver takes a letter/medical release to the DOT examination.
There should be no problems and the note from the primary healthcare provider will help the examiner make the proper decisions.
Dustylew says
would the driver have to have a current INR if on a blood thinner?
Trucker Docs says
I would try to have a medical release form and the most recent up-to-date information available when you go for your DOT examination. The more you can help the examiner the better off you are.
Robert says
Client with CDL has unprovoked seizure 1 year ago. Takes anti seizure meds. Wants to terminate meds. Medical certificate about to expire. No further seizures. Excepted intrastate driver. Can he terminate meds without compromising his medical certificate. How long off meds before he can driver interstate?
Trucker Docs says
@ Robert
Unless the client has a written explanation from his primary healthcare provider as to when and why your client was taken off his medications, I would have a whole lot of questions. Seizures and truck driving don’t go together very well. It’s a safety issue more than anything else. But with proper documentation, his new medical certificate should not be a problem. I believe a one year post seizure medication is required before he can drive interstate. Check with FMCSA for confirmation.
Kelly says
If a driver who has never officially been diagnosised with PTSD and has only participated in “talk thearpy” but now feels they need more help. If they go to their physician and are placed on medication will they lose their DOT physical card? Do they have to report the new diagnosis if they are not due for a new physical until next year?
Trucker Docs says
@ Kelly
I don’t believe you would lose your cdl. You will need to make your DOT examiner aware of the new medications at the time of your next DOT medical exam. You will also need to have a note from your primary healthcare provider, indicating what your new meds are and whether your condition is stable on these meds and for how long your condition has been stable.
Dennis says
In 2001 I had two seizures,one at home and one on the way to the hospital in the ambulance. I was diagnosed with “right temporal lobe cavernous hemangioma. Treatment: craniotomy & resection of mass. Off Dilantin since 05/03. No other seizures. Does this situation disqualify me from a health card?
Trucker Docs says
@ Dennis
I do not believe this situation is a problem now. It has been many years since you had any incidence. A note from your primary healthcare provider regarding this condition would help the DOT examiner in his evaluation.
Francisco says
I get Vertigo once every 2 years. Doc prescribed me with Meclizine 25mg. Does this desqualifies me? Fisrt one happen in 2011 and this time it happened on sept 2013.
Trucker Docs says
Meclizine side effects “This drug may make you drowsy or cause blurred vision. Do not drive, use machinery, or do any activity that requires alertness or clear vision until you are sure you can perform such activities safely.”
This is a disqualifier due to public safety and personal safety. You may be able to get a medical release note from your primary care physician stating his/her opinion that you can perform your duties safely. Give this release note to the DOT doctor to help ascertain your qualification for a medical card. The final decision to qualify you, still rests with the medical examiner doing the DOT physical.
tiffany says
Hi I have positional vertigo. Does this disqualify me to renew my medical card? I didn’t have it before and the doctors don’t know why I have it now.
Trucker Docs says
This will need a letter from your primary doctor stating what your condition is, how long it’s been going on, what treatment is being prescribed, and what the doctor’s opinion is on the safety of you operating a CMV. You will need to have been episode free for a period of time before you will pass the DOT examination.
james b says
would lightheadedness be a disqualifer had one problem at home and passed out none before and none after
Trucker Docs says
Do you know why you passed out? This would be a major question.
Driving 80,000 lbs. and 80 feet long with a driver that may pass out is a real big safety issue. By FMCSA regulations, you should know why it happened and what the causes were. After that you may have to wait for a designated time frame, without incidence, before you would be able to pass the DOT examination.
Remember, it’s about safety, both for you and the public at large.
Jeremy says
I just passed a two year dot physical for a new company however the human resource lady is wanting to talk to my Personal doctor because I told the doctor of the new company’s choice I have controlled vestibular migraines. I told this to the doctor doing my dot physical and she passed me yet it’s not good enough for this hr lady cause she says in the CDL book she is looking at the word vestibular is disqualifying for a CDL. I’ve always had this and have always passed dot physicals. Any suggestions where I can get info on vestibular? I called the safety responsibility who issue medical cards in Arkansas and they said they have never heard of this being disqualifying.
Trucker Docs says
Your best bet on this is to get a note from your primary healthcare provider explaining your condition in words that your HR lady understands. She is right with a true vestibular condition, but may be wrong in regards to your specific condition. Unfortunately, there seems to be a breakdown in communication here, so help her understand.
Thanks for the question.
John B says
I have been diagnosed with ms and was off work for 8 weeks. I received a docs realease from my neurologist with no limitations to go back to work. I passed my physical for driving but because of ms and meds I was told I would have to go to another doc for certification through Montgomery Alabama. My company knows nothing about this and I am off work with no pay while they are “checking into it”” Can you help with what to do?
Trucker Docs says
Mostly what is going on is that your condition is of a progressive nature.
Most medical doctors have no idea of the job requirements of a driver, so releasing you to return to work without understanding what your job and job requirements are, is not really up to your neurologist, but up to the DOT examiner.
The note to the DOT examiner is the best thing you will be able to to do, right now. I believe there will be a waiting period from the date of your diagnosis and the time you will be able to return to work. I would download the medical release form from the dotphysicaldoctors website and have your neurologist complete it. That will address most of the DOT examiners questions and safety concerns. Then it may just be a time factor regarding your driving again.
Thanks for the question. Trucker Docs
Jimmy says
I have been on Neurontin for years for familial neuropathy in my legs and feet. Suddenly, at my DOT physicial the MD said it was not allowed. What am I supposed to do? Did the ruling change? I cannot find an upate to “the list”.
Trucker Docs says
Because Neurontin is used for things like seizures, the DOT examiner may be leery of clearing you for a DOT medical card.
My advise would be to take a note from your primary healthcare provider explaining the type of drug you are taking and for what purpose.
You can get the basic form here in this ‘medical release’ article. It’s a template for your doctor to use to answer the primary questions and it also explains what your driving responsibilities are. That should help the most.
Thanks for the question. Trucker Docs.
Niki says
I have trigeminal neuralgia. This does not interfear with my daily activities or quality of life. I see a neurologist 2-3 times a year. Will this disqualify me from obtaining a CDL and/or passing a medical exam?
Trucker Docs says
@ Niki
In and of itself, your condition is not a disqualifier. But, I would get a note from your neurologist to verify your condition. Make sure you explain to your neurologist what type of work you are going to be doing. Over the road driving can be stressful over long periods of time and most doctors have no idea of the stress and strains of an OTR driver’s job. Bring the supporting info with you to your DOT exam and you should have no problem.
Thanks for the question. Trucker Docs
H clement says
Does perrifial neuropathy disqualify you from driving a cmv
Trucker Docs™ says
@ H Clement
It may, if the condition restricts you from performing the duties of a CMV operator.