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I have a hernia. Will this disqualify me from passing a DOT physical?
What if I have a limb impairment? Am I disqualified?
I have a hernia. Will this disqualify me from passing a DOT physical?
If the hernia does not interfere with your operation of a commercial motor vehicle, then there is no problem.
If you have pain and are limited in some way, then you should take care of the problem before it does become a serious problem.
I had hernia surgery three years ago. There is some scar tissue which causes a little discomfort from time to time but in no way renders me unable to perform any tasks. Will this cause me to fail a DOT physical?
During the examination you will be questioned regarding the hernia surgery. Just let the medical examiner know how this effects you and whether it interferes with your daily activities. Some companies have restrictions, but this is a company policy not a DOT regulation.
I have a hernia that does not give me any trouble. The doctor I saw for my DOT exam says I have to get it repaired before my next exam. What if my regular doctor says that we can do watchful waiting instead of surgery? What are my rights under the law about this?
The DOT examiner is looking at a progressive condition, but if you will take a note from your primary doctor who has evaluated your condition and understands what you really do for a living, then the DOT examiner should consider your primary doctor’s opinion. However, the final decision to certify you, or not, remains with the medical examiner.
What if I have a limb impairment? Am I disqualified?
It is possible to apply for an exemption. FMCSA has a certificate program for drivers with limb impairments. FMCSA also has a special certification program for drivers with missing limbs. (see FMCSA Skill Performance Evaluation)
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Your comments are also welcome.
Paul M says
I have drop foot on my right foot caused by nerve damage but I wear a brace and it doesn’t drop. I drive fine I feel for 20 years now. Can I pass a dot exam to be a truck driver ?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Paul M
For a class A cdl, DOT/FMCSA is a bit restricted. But you should be fine. The CME will have to make the final decision.
Glenn says
I had a level 3 cervical spine surgery on C4, C5 and C6 in May. Doctor gave me lifetime restrictions of no lifting more than 30 pounds.
Can I pass a DOT physical to drive a commercial class A truck?
Thank you
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Glenn
Hard to say. The CME has a series of things he must take into consideration regarding ranges of motion in the c spine and what restrictions have been placed on you by your physician. A note from your doctor as well as your job description from your company will be helpful in his/her decision making process.
Tom A says
I recently had an accident at home causing a tibial plateau fracture so severe it caused compartment syndrome. i was emergently taken to surgery to relieve the swelling of muscle and nerves. unfortunately, just over 2 months later I have no motor skills in my left foot. If this turns out to be a permanent disability, will it prevent me from obtaining a DOT card in order for me to return to work as a commercial driver?
Thank you in advance
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Tom A
If it becomes a permanent issue, there are steps that can be taken. For a class A cdl holder, you will need a skills performance evaluation. It will be needed before you go for your medical card. Lesser class cdl’s or intra-state only will fall under the states guidelines and variances. Do confirm with your local DLD.
Kevin says
I had my lower left leg amputated in january of This year… I’ve had a CD l and it’s still current. But my medical card expired in January so I need a new one anyway. I’m walking with a prosthetic now. And I have an automatic transmission Designation on my license anyway … I also have limited use of my left hand due to the accident but I can still drive.. Will I be able to pass the DOT physical with those extremity issues?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Kevin
You will need to be tested by a specialist for a performance evaluation in the operation of a cvm. You will need this before going to a CME for your medical examination.
David says
Can I pass the CDL medical examination? I am missing several fingers of my left hand. I can hold the steering wheel firmly and perform all functions. worked as a truck driver in another country
Trucker Docs™ says
@ David
Most likely, if you have a skills performance evaluation certificate.
JR says
I’ve diabetes for quite a while and have neuropathy in my feet. My current doctor has not made issue of this but is now retiring and I need to see another doctor. How does this affect me moving forward if I come to see you?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ JR
For a class A cdl. You will need your diabetes exemption form and supporting medical documentation indicating proper compliance. The CME may request additional information to help aid in the decision making process and in determining your safe ability to perform the duties of a cmv operator.
John S says
I’ve been on disability due to back and neck injuries causing a complete physical/mental breakdown over a decade ago. I think I’ve reached the point in my recovery where I’m ready to try driving again, however none of my doctors want to assume liability by saying I’m able. I tried getting a physical by a return to work doctor, who said they would only do a comprehensive 16 page exam like I had before to get on disability (at my expense). I’ve worked really hard to get back to the place I felt safe and comfortable driving again. I took myself off the road from a high paying union job where I could return at any time and have lost over a million dollars from doing so. I can pass all the basic function tests easily and would never dream of driving dangerously.or taking a job requiring me to. At the same time though, I need someone to give me a chance though I am on meds for pain and anxiety which are not prohibited. I’m not going to lie, my MCSA-8375 looks like a horror story. How do I get a medical examiner to trust me and give me the chance? I’ll be using Ticket to Work to protect my disability.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ John S
The issue is not a question of trust, but a set of DOT/FMCSA rules, guidelines and regulations that must be met before passing a driver. If what you present with looks like a major risk factor, then no CME is going to take on that risk, just like your other physicians. If you look into intra-state only driving, you may find the regulations less strict than DOT/FMCSA.
TC says
I have a diabetic ulcer on my right foot so my doctor has me in a post-op (hard dole) shoe while driving. My employer says they’re not ok with this and won’t let me continue training until I no longer need the special shoe. Am I allowed to wear this specialized shoe or no?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ TC
It all depends on the class of your cdl you are working with.
Jason says
I am recovering from an ulcer on my foot. The doctor has put a small portable wound vac on it to speed up healing.
Will I be able to pass a dot physical with the vac on? It doesn’t interfere with normal driving or walking.
Trying to figure it out as my card expires 1st week in January.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Jason
For a class A cdl, you may have to wait before you can do the examination. That will depend on the CME and his/her findings at the time of the exam.
Jeff C says
I have painful trigger fingers across the width of both palms of my hands.
Would I be disqualified for a medical card if I can’t pass the “grip” test until I’ve been successfully treated and/or had surgery and recovered from trigger fingers?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Jeff C
For a class A cdl, yes. You would be best to have the condition treated and corrected before doing the medical physical.
Randy says
call recently had shoulder surgery and cannot raise one arm all the way up like I can the other. Can I pass a DOT physical not being able to raise both arms up over my head?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Randy
Class A cdl medical examination is going to require the ability to raise the arms to a functional level for the safe operation of a cmv.
Will says
I had distal bicep surgery on my right arm, can I return to work once the doctor releases me to drive over the road.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Will
You will need a new medical card, once fully released to return to driving.
karen says
What is the wait time after arthroscopic knee surgery to get my medical exam for my cdl
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Karen
Just a medical release and a new DOT/FMCSA medical certification examination.
John says
I have a disc herniation in my lumbar. I’ve had it for years. Will I be able to pass a DOT physical? State is NJ. Looking to drive for Amazon doing local deliveries
Trucker Docs™ says
@ John
Depends on the class cdl you have. If you can perform the duties of a cmv operator, then you may be OK.
Michael p says
What pld or dlp on bottom right corner of physical card ?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Michael p
CLP, commercial learners permit. CDL, commercial drivers license. No idea what a pld or dlp are.
Brad says
My dot is coming up and I have a cast on my left arm for tendon problems. I know the dot officers are fine with it but would I pass. I am in Oklahoma
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Brad
It will raise questions. The situation will need to be determined by the CME as to whether you should do the examination now or wait until cast comes off. DOT/FMCSA for a class A driver, you may need to wait until the cast is off.
AngTurg says
My husband is getting ready to have a shoulder replacement, his doctor told him after his rehab he will be better than before surgery but it will take a little time to build up to that (roughly 3 months). He is not an over-the-road guy, he runs freight locally between RI and Massachusetts in a tractor/trailer. His was told he HAS TO disclose the surgery when he goes to his DOT physical, which would be due right around the same time he expects to be returning to work.
Is this true? I’m not sure why he needs to disclose this if he returns to work with no restrictions.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ AngTurg
There is nothing to hide here. The forms ask have you had ANY surgeries? As long as there are no restrictions or limitations, then there are no issues. Besides, when he has his physical, the CME will notice scars on his shoulder.
Barbara Mc says
i have strained a muscle in my left ankle and need to wear a boot. Am i still able to drive a bus?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Barbara Mc
As long as you can do it safely, you should be OK. It’s all about safety.
James A says
I have a fused right ankle. Can I still get a dot medical card to drive? I drive every day in my auto with no problem. Is it possible to get a medical card?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ James A
As long as you can perform the duties of a cmv operator, you should be OK. The CME may request additional information from you and/or from your physician. He/she may also require a medical release form from your doctor.
John D says
I have a class A license and have been through 4 surgeries on my left shoulder ending in a reverse shoulder replacement. I have been fired because of this permanent disability of 55% and a lift/pull/push restriction of 25 pounds. I haven’t been able to drive professionally since the accident in April of 2021. Two weeks after the accident my medical card expired and my license downgraded. All I have to do is get my my medical card renewed but I’m not sure I can pass it since I have a very limited range of motion and was released with a 55% disability rating. I also have disk degenerative disease in my lower back with several bulging disks and lower lumbar spinal stenosis making it incredibly painful to stand or walk for any length of time or short distances. So is it even possible to be able to get my medical card renewed with these issues or is my only option to fight social security and be stuck on disability for the rest of my life when I’m only 57?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ John D
For class A interstate driving, you will have a very difficult time passing the medical. Intra-state may be an option due to state requirements being less strict compared to federal regulations. Check with your local DLD for guidance.