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If you still can’t find a related answer, then you are welcome to
ask your question in the comments section below.
What if I’ve have a Myocardial Infarction (MI)?
What if I’ve have coronary artery bypass surgery?
What if I’ve have angioplasty surgery or stents?
What if I’ve have ventricular tachycardia?
Can I get a DOT medical card if I have a defibrillator?
What if I take nitroglycerine for angina?
My medical certificate only expires in nine months. What if I recently developed a medical condition that I couldn’t drive. Can I drive truck again now?
Even if you currently have a ‘current’ medical certificate, you are prohibited from driving a CMV with any medical condition that would be disqualifying or may interfere with the safe operation of a CMV. Once a disqualifying medical condition is resolved, and before resuming operation of CMVs, you are responsible for obtaining re-certification from a Medical Examiner.
What if I’ve have a Myocardial Infarction (MI)?
You will need to be off work for at least two months. You will need to get an Ejection Fraction and Exercise Tolerance Test, and be cleared by your cardiologist before returning to work. This is a disqualifying medical condition, so once it is resolved, and before resuming operation of a CMV, you are responsible for obtaining re-certification from a Medical Examiner.
What if I’ve have coronary artery bypass surgery?
You will need to be off work for at least three months. You will need to get an Ejection Fraction and Exercise Tolerance Test, and be cleared by your cardiologist before returning to work. This is a disqualifying medical condition, so once it is resolved, and before resuming operation of a CMV, you are responsible for obtaining re-certification from a Medical Examiner.
What if I’ve have angioplasty surgery or stents?
You may return to work once you’ve been cleared by your cardiologist, which may be as soon as one week after the procedure. You will need to get an Exercise Tolerance Test three to six months after the procedure, and again at least every other year. This is a disqualifying medical condition, so once it is resolved, and before resuming operation of a CMV, you are responsible for obtaining re-certification from a Medical Examiner.
What if I’ve have ventricular tachycardia?
If you have recurring episodes you should be evaluated by a cardiologist to see if the underlying cause of the ventricular tachycardia is disqualifying.
Can I get a DOT medical card if I have a defibrillator?
The defibrillator is a disqualifier for inter-state driving. The defibrillator is designed to correct problems when they occur, but it still leaves a safety risk.
You may be able to drive inter-state, based on your state’s regulations.
What if I take nitroglycerine for angina?
Taking nitroglycerine is, of itself, not a disqualifier. The medical examiner may require an evaluation by your treating physician to make sure that your angina is stable.
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Your comments are also welcome.
Glenn o says
I had a cardioversion and went to get my dot physical and was told I had to wait 30 days. is that true?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Green o
That is a DOT/FMCSA recommendation.
Justin D says
I had a blood clot in the left ventricle but it is gone now. They say the left side of my heart is contracting slow. But my ejection fraction is above 40. I am doing a stress test next month. I have been out of work for 6 months. Will I be able to drive?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Justin D
If all else is within normal limits and your LVEF is above 40%, you should be OK.
William R P says
I had 1 stent put in after my heart attack 3 weeks ago and after doctor visit today I am cleared to go back to work no restrictions but am told that I have to wait 2 months for dot is this correct or an I co back now
Trucker Docs™ says
@ William R P
Class A, you have a waiting period thanks to DOT/FMCSA. Lesser class cdl’s are under your states regulations.
Lenh says
Almost two years ago I had a heart attack.
I had an echocardiogram done and got a release letter from Cardiologist. Last year I took release letter from Cardiologist. I called the DOT clinic and was told all I need is a letter from Cardiologist saying I’m
able to preform my duties as a driver. Is this true I’ve heard I needed a stress test every other year.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Lenh
DOT/FMCSA requires a stress test every two years following a heart attack. The DOT clinic may be requesting a medical release form from your cardiologist. This would be needed at each DOT/FMCSA medical certification examination.
richard r says
if i have aortic valve replacement can i pass a dot physical
Trucker Docs™ says
@ richard r
With proper medical documentation and test results, you could be fine.
Curtis says
I may have pvc will I be able to drive a semi
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Curtis
It is going to raise questions and will need supporting documentation from your cardiologist and a medical release form also.
David W says
can i get a dot medical card and only drive intrastate with a difibulator.will only drive in ny but employer wants dot medical card
Trucker Docs™ says
@ David W
Most likely, but confirm with your states drivers license department (DLD).
Louis H W says
I have congestive heart failure would that stop me from passing a dot physical or getting CDL license?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Louis H W
It will put a kink in the works, but if you are not going for a class A cdl, you may be OK. Check with your local DLD for their standards and guidelines.
Janean says
My husband had a quadruple by pass in April of 2022. His ejection fraction stayed at 40% is now up to 45%. His cardiologist is releasing him to return to work.
Is there a time frame on the ejection fraction? Does it have to be greater than 40 for a year?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Janean
If he is holding above 40% LVEF, then he should be fine.
Pedro says
I had an ablation done in my heart and am told I can not do the return to work physical for a month. Is this correct.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Pedro
For a class A cdl, DOT/FMCSA suggest a 1 month waiting period before the certifying examination.
Don says
Is it legal for my employer to make me see the doctor they choose for my medical card rather than allow me to choose my own doctor when I’m the one paying for it ?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Don
You would need to speak with legal council for the correct answer. Some companies use their own doctors to help rule out/disqualify a driver before they get hired.
I live in the state of GA I have kidney failure and I do Peritoneal dialysis every night. Will this medical condition disqualify me
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Joseph
For a class A cdl, DOT/FMCSA medical certification, you would be disqualified. For a lesser class cdl, you will fall under the states guidelines and variances. Best to check with your local DLD for confirmation and restrictions.
Rocky T C says
I had a heart catheterization done that show’s no blockage or anything else. How can I get my class b CDL back. I have been cleared by the doctors. I have been off work for the last 2 months. I had a one night stay in the hospital when I first started having a problem 2/5/23
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Rocky T C
Since you are a class b cdl holder, you fall under your states guidelines and regulations, not federal DOT/FMCSA. You should be able to get your class b without any issues. Just check with your local DLD for guidance.
Jim T says
Hey Doctor, I am a 61 YOM Class A driver, that is undergoing an Aortic Valve replacement, being replaced with a TAVR valve. How long after my surgery does FED DOT regulations require me to be out of work ?? Any help would be greatly appreciate. Thank You !!
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Jim T
3 month waiting period and yearly physical for DOT/FMCSA class A.
Corey says
If a diver can not pass a stress test after heart attack and placement of stent,what becomes of CDL and haz may endorsement
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Corey
You need to check with your local DLD for best answer.
Stephen says
I had a Aortic dissection and now have a titanium mechanical valve in my heart. Would that stop me from getting my medical card? Im trying to start my own business
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Stephen
If you are not going for a class A cdl, then you will fall under your state guidelines, not federal DOT/FMCSA.
Check with your local drivers license department (DLD) for guidance.
Andrew says
I was diagnosed with brugada syndrome and a 4.1 cm aortic aneurysm. Doc didn’t say anything about my not being able to drive and I asked. Will I be able to get my med card renewed?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Andrew
Your condition and your aneurysm are both going to raise questions with any CME. Take as much supporting medical documentation as possible to help aid in the CME’s decision making process.
Keith N says
I had a mild heart attack which resulted in singular bypass surgery in 2018. Every year since I have gotten an EKG an echocardiogram and a stress test before renewing my medical certificate. Is that required every year?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Keith N
Stress test every two years, DOT/FMCSA requirements .
hartsell v p says
i had my dot physical and passed but i have a ejection fraction of the heart under 40 never had a heart attack or stroke and feel find but nurse said she could not give me a medical card , What can i do to get back driving
Trucker Docs™ says
@ hartsell v p
Too many questions as to why a nurse would be looking at your LVEF, if there were no heart related issues.
Marcy says
My husband had a heart attack with a stent placed on Monday. One overnight stay at hospital and cardiologist cleared him to work Wednesday (knowing he was a CDL A truck driver). He went to a urgent care today to get signed off from a DOT physician and they said he had to be out of work for 2 months before they could pass him and that he would need a stress test prior. Is this correct that he has to be out of work for a minimum of 2 months?!
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Marcy
DOT/FMCSA for a class A interstate driver requires a three month waiting period and a stress test before returning to interstate driving. Intra-state only, goes by the states guidelines and variances. You could check with your states DLD and see if he can drive intra-state only for the waiting period.