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New Mexico CDL Requirements
The Federal Motor Carrier Administration now requires that all CDL holders certify the type of commercial operation they’re engaged in. All CDL holders will need to comply on or before January 30th 2014 or risk losing CDL privileges.
Interstate Non-Excepted
You must meet the Federal DOT medical certificate requirements.
Intrastate Non-Excepted
You must meet the Federal DOT medical certificate requirements.
Submitting your Self Certification to New Mexico
There is currently no information available to self certify in New Mexico.
Keep Your Medical Card Current With New Mexico MVD…
By Mail:
2546 Camino Entrada
Santa Fe, NM 87507
By Fax:
Other Information:
Website: New Mexico MVD Commercial Services
Helpdesk email:
Special Information Updates Pertaining To ALL STATES
The FMCSA has requested that all medical examiners continue providing drivers with a paper copy of the Medical Examiner’s Certificate – Form MCSA-5876, so that Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders can provide a copy to the State licensing agency, and the non-CDL drivers can provide the documentation to their employers and Federal and State enforcement officials.
The Agency is currently completing efforts to put into place an electronic system to enable medical examiners to transmit the medical certificate information from the National Registry system to the State licensing agencies.
Until that system is completed, which compliance date according FMCSA is June 23, 2025, medical examiners must continue to issue paper copies of the medical certificates to drivers who pass the medical exam.
Commercial Drivers – You still need to carry a paper copy of your medical card, until FMCSA announces that this is no longer necessary.
Your Feedback Is Welcome
Dealing with Federal DOT Regulations across the board is tough enough!
But when it comes to State Regulations — There are 50 different sets of rules. Someone could move the goal posts at any time…
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NOTE: This website is not affiliated with, or endorsed by FMCSA or any government or state agency.
Fernanda says
The place where I took my CDL didn’t send it to the state office where can I take it in person?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Fernanda
Your local drivers license department should be able to help you.
denny w says
where do I e-mail my cdl medical certificate
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Denny w
To your state drivers license department.
Shane P says
Do I need to notify the mvd of my updated medical card?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Shane P
Drivers license department (DLD), maybe same as mvd, needs a copy of your medical card to keep your cdl active.
Brandon P says
my cdl does not expire until 2026. i havent held a cdl job sense 2021. my medical card expired in 2022. what steps do i need to take to get my medical card back in good standings and will there be any penalties applied towards me for my laps?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Brandon P
Go get a new medical certification examination done and take a copy to your local DLD. That should be all you need. If there are extra fees, it is your state that will require them. DLD should answer any of your questions.
My CDL license expires 6/06/23 but my medical card expires 4/22/23(Saturday). I’m not able to renew my medical card until the following week of 4/25/23. Is my CDL license in any kind of jeopardy of being cancelled? Also, I’m unable to get my medical exam prior to 4/22.
Thank you
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Charles M I
It should not be and issue, just make sure you get a copy of your medical card to drivers license ASAP.
James C says
I have been trying for 2 weeks to find a email address to send my new medical examiners certificate with no luck but i bet the MVD will have no mercey on revoking my license
Peggy W says
Need to get catracts surgery. How long do I have before I loose my CDL
Licence. My medical card expired Feb. 4 23. Surgery scheduled for March 28.23.
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Peggy W
You will need check with your local DLD. Explain your situation and follow their process before you lose your cdl.
505 ryder says
Ok this is my problem I went for a dot physical Concentra the medical doctor wanted me to do a sleep study so I did one the results says I need a cpap Machine when I sleep at one so I ordered one through my insurance which the machine is on back order for the next three months I went back to concentra and asked them for an extension on my medical card because it expires in August they denied the extension and said they want to see results of my sleep with the machine I explain to them it is on back order the doctor says he is not signing nothing until he sees results . Can he do that or should I go to another dot doctor. ?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ 505 ryder
You can go for a second opinion.
Ace says
I have a class A and my medical card just expired 3 months ago in the state of New Mexico but I have not been working for about 2 years now do I have to just keep updating my medical card on my own even though I am not working and my CDL license does not expire till 2026 because I plan on keeping it for a long time and maybe going back to work in 6 more months and using it any help would be appreciated thank you on this question
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Ace
Most states require a valid medical card to maintain a class A cdl. Confirm with your local drivers license department for your best answer.
Robert r says
I have a class a license that was issued in California, my medical card expired yesterday, im in New mexico, can I re new it in New mexico even though im from California?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Robert r
Quick answer is yes, get it done where you are asap. Information answer. Get a copy to California immediately. You may need to send a hard copy to someone and have them walk it in. California will suspend your cdl license as soon as your medical card expires.
Daniel says
My medical card expired on May the 3rd is there a grace period to get it renewed?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Daniel
DOT/FMCSA does not have a grace period. Best to get a new medical done asap and get it registered with your states drivers license department.
KLK says
My medical card will expire on 2/12/2021 , I attempted to renew it but the DOT Dr would not renew it until I had tapered off my prescription medication . I provided a letter of opinion by my PCP but he still put my card on a 45 day hold . My Dr has communicated with him that tapering off this medication by the 12th is doable but he said no , I had to be off it for at least 6 weeks . He will not consider renewing it until 3/4/2021 , three weeks after it has expired . I’m in NM and emailed the state regarding what happens to my CDL which expires in August . Do you have any suggestions?
Trucker Docs™ says
Unfortunately your PCP does not have to abide by the DOT/FMCSA guidelines. But they are guidelines and regulations. With as much supporting documentation as you can, you might try for a second opinion. And a lot will be determined by the present and past prescription usage and need. You do not indicate what the medication was prescribed for. The examiner must consider a lot of information during his decision making process and must follow the guidelines and regulation set forth in the DOT/FMCSA guides.
KLK says
I had anxiety over sleep and I was diagnosed over 2 years ago with situational depression after the murder of my grandson . When I return to the CME I will have been off the alprozalam for 3 months , the zolpidem for 2 months . I do not have any current diagnosis and I am on no medications currently . My PCP has communicated with this CME and he feels that there is a definite personal animas towards me . I’m sleeping well without any meds and it helps that I only work days and I’m home every night , The loss of a child remains difficult but I’ve worked through the entire painful process . I’m unaware that grief is a disqualification and anxiety and depression and insomnia is an unfortunate part of the grieving process , but he stated I should be over it . He was looking at medical records from 14 years ago , he stated that a woman my age should be thinking about retiring . Is his role to council me in retirement or my grief ? I feel he has made up his mind not to give me my medical card .
Trucker Docs™ says
We need to start with, what class drivers license do you possess? It is not the CME’s job or position to be of council to you in regards to anything other than DOT/FMCSA matters or health related conditions that would involve DOT/FMCSA. Go get a second opinion someplace else.
Castle T. says
Since this Covid-19 started, my local DMV requires appointment only. Look at the list, its about a month and half wait. My question is, can I fax or email a copy of my new medical card (short form)? If so, where?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Castle T.
Your state drivers license should have that information available for you. Check with them for the best contact and means to get your information registered.
Jeffrey n. M says
I got my new 8 year cdl in Albuquerque and showed my new medical card and long forms in October and now got a letter from Santa Fe MVD saying I have to show my new current 2 year medical card again or my cdl will be downgraded let me know why
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Jeffrey n M.
This is a state related issue. Check with your local MVD for clarification.
Julian C says
Hi my name is Julian C(deleted for privacy). I have not been able to reach the state MVD. My cdl expired in September and my medical card a few months prior. I have not been driving cdl but I want to keep it for when I get back to work. What should I do? Is there a way to renew my cdl without having a current medical card? I have not had the money to get a medical card due to loss of work because of Covid. I need a license for a lot of things I cant even cash a check and I cant get an Id because I don not want to lose my cdl. Also from what information I was able to get, I believe the sonnest I can be seen at an Albuquerque mvd is 1-2 months due to covid and the recent surge in our state. I would really appreciate if uou could help. Thank you
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Julian C
We know that things are tight, but your best bet is to find a way to get the medical certification examination done and turned in before your cdl is down graded.
mitzi s says
I received a letter RE: Medical Examiner’s Certificate Expiration the letter was for my husbands CDL that has expired . My husband has passed away and i wanted to let the proper division know this. My husbands name : [deleted by admin for privacy]
Trucker Docs™ says
@ mitzi s
You will need to contact your states drivers license department, they should be able to guide you from there.
Abdu W says
My card just expired. How long do I have to renew it?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Abdu W
With covid delays you have until September 30, but we would not wait that long.
Cheryl says
How do we verify that a medical certification is valid within NM for a driver’s CDL. It did not show on the NM MVR. Is there a site that we have to get that information from?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Cheryl
If you have a copy of the medical card, then all you need to do is contact the examiner. The examiners information should be on the medical card.
Richard says
I haven’t been driving class b lately in fact months but didn’t realize my medical card was expired how long do I have to renew my medical card before they cancel my cdl?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Richard
Since your cdl is state issued, you will need to check with your local drivers license department for the best answer.
Clint W says
According to the FMSCA’s website, as of Feb 2015, self certified non-excepted interstate cdl is not required to keep in thier possession their medical cards or long forms.
Was just issued a ticket by a county sheriff for not having it in my possesion.
Does state law differ from federal?
Trucker Docs™ says
@ Clint W
FMCSA has always demanded that you carry a copy of your medical card, as long as you have a class A license. The 02-15 issue, FMCSA was a hopeful wish that they would be able to have all the states online so you did not have to carry your card. It didn’t happen, so always carry a copy of your medical card while driving any vehicle.