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Wisconsin CDL Requirements
Federal regulations require that all CDL holders self-certify their category of commercial operation by January 30, 2014.
The State of Wisconsin requires all CDL drivers to have a valid DOT medical card, unless the type of commerce you drive qualifies as ‘Excepted’.
Interstate Non-Excepted
You must meet the Federal DOT medical certificate requirements. You are required to submit your Fed Med card to the DMV and keep it updated.
Intrastate Non-Excepted
You must meet the Federal DOT medical certificate requirements. You are not required to submit your Fed Med card to DMV.
Self-Certify Online With Wisconsin DMV
- Click this link to Self-certify Online.
Print a copy of your application. Note: The copy is not valid to present to law enforcement or as proof you meet the commercial medical standards. The actual medical certificate and information on your record are the true verification that you meet these standards.
- If you self-certify Interstate Non-Excepted, then you must submit your Fed Med card.
Upload File types accepted are PDF, JPG, GIF or PNG (not to exceed 5 MB).
If you are not able to upload the file, then you may submit a copy of your medical certificate to the DMV by mail or fax.
By Mail:
Wisconsin DMV
P.O. Box 7995
Madison, WI 53707-7995
By Fax:
Although most certificates are added to your record in two to three business days, it may take up to 10 business days to complete this process.
Keep Your Medical Certificate Current With Wisconsin DMV
Before your medical card on file with Wisconsin DMV expires, submit a copy of your new Medical Certificate online, by mail, or by fax.
As described above for self-certification.
By Mail:
Wisconsin DMV
P.O. Box 7995
Madison, WI 53707-7995
By Fax:
Other Information:
Wisconsin DMV official website – Self-Certification Information Page
Questions? Phone: 608-264-7049
Questions? Wisconsin DMV email service
Information for Diabetes and Vision Waivers for Wisconsin Intrastate Commerce
Special Information Updates Pertaining To ALL STATES
The FMCSA has requested that all medical examiners continue providing drivers with a paper copy of the Medical Examiner’s Certificate – Form MCSA-5876, so that Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders can provide a copy to the State licensing agency, and the non-CDL drivers can provide the documentation to their employers and Federal and State enforcement officials.
The Agency is currently completing efforts to put into place an electronic system to enable medical examiners to transmit the medical certificate information from the National Registry system to the State licensing agencies.
Until that system is completed, which compliance date according FMCSA is June 23, 2025, medical examiners must continue to issue paper copies of the medical certificates to drivers who pass the medical exam.
Commercial Drivers – You still need to carry a paper copy of your medical card, until FMCSA announces that this is no longer necessary.
Your Feedback Is Welcome
Dealing with Federal DOT Regulations across the board is tough enough!
But when it comes to State Regulations — There are 50 different sets of rules. Someone could move the goal posts at any time…
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NOTE: This website is not affiliated with, or endorsed by FMCSA or any government or state agency.
If I decide to tow semi’s, do I need a med card, or can I apply for Tier 2 without med card and drive legally in Montana or Wisconsin?
@ Tim
Most states do require a medical card for any driver who operates a vehicle used for commerce. Best check with your local drivers license department for your best answer.
If I have a med card for six months n I go to another company but they require me to have a 1 year card can I get a another physical from a different medical doctor
@ Keith
I am 20 years old and have an Illinois class B CDL. Will my Illinois medcard be valid if I am driving a non-CDL vehicle over 10,000 lbs in Wisconsin?
@ Jay N
med-card is good everywhere.
I have a potential employee that is legally blind in one eye. Will he pass the WI DOT physical? Does WI have an exemption form that needs to be completed?
@ Theresa
There are exemption forms from the state. As a legal driver they will need to operate within a limited range, usually. Check with your local DLD for proper directions in this case.
do you need fed med card if you do not drive on the interstate roads?
@ dave
It will depend on your class drivers license and what you are transporting. Check with your state drivers license department.
I have a DOT card good for 3 months. I need to get tested for sleep apnea, if I have it and treat it, am I ok to drive?
@ Screech
Yes and you will need to provide documentation each time you go for a DOT medical examination.
went to renew medical card and they said my neck was too fat now what ????
@ Troy d
Go get a second opinion elsewhere.
I have an employee that had a minor stroke. He was back to work in a week and half. When he had an eye exam, he was told that his CDL will be suspended for one year. We have a local guy that had a similar stroke, back in a short time and went right back driving. Can you tell me if the year suspension is really true? If we have his DL run, through the state (Wisconsin), his CDL is valid. Help?
@ Bob P
CDL is state issued and the DOT medical certification examination is federal. If your driver is a class A, then he falls under more stringent qualification standards for DOT and the one year hold, post stroke, is valid. (according to the FMCSA guidelines) If your driver is class B or other, then he would fall under the states variances and may be able to return to driving sooned.
I do construction and occasionally tow in excess of 10,000 lbs but not more than 26,000 lbs do I need a med card?
@ Ryan S
It’s not just the weight but whether the work vehicle you drive is being used for commerce. Check with your states drivers license depart for the best answer.
does a pacemaker disqualify for a fed med card
No, but you need supporting documentation form your primary doctor. Your medical card will be limited to one year.
Can a medical examiner forces you to get a sleep study done in Wisconsin? I recently went in for my physical and my BI is 30 and neck size is 16″ and she only gave me a 3 month card and said I need to get a sleep study and then she will adjust my med card. This doesn’t seem right.
Go get a second opinion some place else.
See these article on sleep apnea screening for more information.
Drivers who live in Wisconsin and who drive vehicles at their company in Illinois that are DOT but do not meet the DOT standard for CDL – only engage in intrastate travel (local roads around company property) are being told by their local Wisconsin license bureau that their DOT medical cards must be marked INTERSTATE YES since they drive their OWN CARS across state lines in order to reach their workplace.
Is this correct??
Can I get my cdl temps card without having my fedmed card present, intrastate, tier3.
I am applying for a job driving a limousine and other personal transport vehicles.The gentleman I talked to says I need a fed med card in order to be hired because I will be traveling interstate but so far I only see interstate travel requiring a fed med card in conjunction with a CDL. I will not be driving vehicles that require a CDL so my question is, do I need a fed med card to drive a passenger interstate or is he mistaken about the requirement? Where can I find information on “who needs a fed med card”? I am in WI.
Mike S
If your vehicles are being used for commerce, then you need a valid medical certificate, that has nothing to do with a CDL. And most places that are doing medical certificate examination are also doing them for CDL drivers. You just need a medical card that is valid and checked for interstate driving. It’s about commerce not the class of license.
I’m in the process going to a new company.I had my phsyical on Friday for my new medical card.The doctor that did the exam has disqualified me because I have been diagnosed with reless leg.I had this diagnoses since 2012 and on prescribed medication.I’m also on medication for depression.The nuerologist that prescribed the medication for the reless leg has signed off and is having my primary doctor over see the treatment.The thing I’m really confused about is that I renewed my current medical card back in February.I had disclosed all this same information back then but a different doctor is doing the new medical card.Please if anybody can give me help with I would appreciate it.Because the new doctor is wanting to see an nuerologist again before he will issue the new card.I did have a letter with me from my primary doctor clarifying that I’m okay to drive.
Steve Walters
You are dealing with one CME who is reading the guideline more strictly and not understanding his role in this situation and you have already dealt with someone who does understand.
So why is the new company not accepting a valid medical card from Feb. of this year?
And why not go back to the original examiner?
No matter what, you need a medical release form from your prescribing doctor explain your condition and situation. That will help any CME make a better informed decision regarding your condition and situation.
I haven’t drove truck since 2008 and still hold a valid class A CDL. I have just started with a company in Eau Claire, WI. On some occasions I will be delivering Job site needs from our main office. I no longer have a med card (Just haven’t taken one since last on expired), But the loads that i will be taking will only be within that state of Wisconsin and every once in a while over the 150 miles (Wisconsin only no boarder crossing) no Med Card needed rule. But I was told that as long as I have had my CDL since 1992 in the state of Wisconsin and drive a NOT FOR HIRE Truck and loads. I do not need a D.O.T. Med Card. Is this a true fact or what are the rules on this subject?
Thank you;
Each state is a little different, so first check with your state DLD to make the final determination.
Most states are following federal guidelines, which is a Class A drivers license must have a valid medical card. But there are a few states that allow you to maintain a Class A without a valid medical card. That being said, these same states require a valid medical card if you are driving a Class A vehicle. Like I said, check with your DLD to make sure.
If a truck driver in the state of Wisconsin has a heart attack and he was grandfathered in for no fed med card does he need to get one now in order to keep driving truck?
This needs to answered by your state DLD. Check with them, if you only drive intra-state then you need to comply with the states rules. If you drive interstate, you need a valid medical card.
If my child’s school bus driver has an episode of shortness of breath, etc…requiring evaluation at the ER–to my knowledge prior to starting the route–and is driving the route again the next day….??? I know the ER docs to not sign fed med cards…how is this possible?
If a driver fails his dot physical can he still drive a truck with a dot number on it? If he drives a load of beer in a truck with a dot number on it and he crosses state lines, is this a serious violation or is he ok if the truck is under weight?
Number 1, he crosses state lines making him an Interstate driver, and no DOT medical card driving a vehicle that requires one? I’m not sure about the state you are in, but in my state, it’s a healthy ticket and the company get dinged for allowing such a thing to happen.
Also, as I read it, it isn’t what the vehicle actually weighs, it’s what the vehicle is capable of hauling in weight. So if you want to take that kind of risk…?
I would find out why the driver failed the examination and see about helping him overcome that issue and then have him pass the exam. That way you have a qualified driver in good standing, and no other risk to you or the company.
How can I check to see if I am in compliance with the medical certification update?
i mailed my paperwork to the dmv how can i check to see if it was received
I need a dot physical before December 28th can I go to my Doctor?? I am tier 1
If your doctor still does DOT physicals, then you can still get it from your doctor.
The new rules don’t go into effect until mid-May 2014 for you to get a DOT physical from a certified medical examiner.
My fed med card expires soon, but doctors aren’t doing non essential appointments due to covid 19 and safer at home orders. Is there an extension offered or how do I work around this
@ Geoffrey K
With the shutdown caused by the covid 19 situation, every state has been ask to allow for extensions. You will need to check with your state for their extension cutoff. Also the fed created an automatic extension so check with DOT/FMCSA.