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Connecticut CDL Requirements
All Connecticut CDL holders are required to be medically qualified to drive a CMV by the means of a valid DOT medical certificate.
If you become “Not-Certified”, you will receive a downgrade letter advising you that the DMV has not received your valid medical certificate. If you do not submit your valid medical certificate by the downgrade date listed in your letter, your license will be downgraded to a Class D license.
You are required to send to DMV an updated medical certificate MCSA-5876 prior to the expiration date.
By Mail:
Department of Motor Vehicles
Driver Services
60 State Street
Wethersfield, CT 06161
By Fax:
By Email:
You can check the status of your license at this link:
Self Certification Requirements
Federal law requires all Commercial Driver License (CDL) holders and Commercial Learner Permit (CLP) holders to provide ” self-certification” of driving type:
Information about certification types:
See description of driving types for you to choose here.
Self-certify here:
Once you go to the website above and successfully self-certify, you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
Other Contact Information:
Special Information Updates Pertaining To ALL STATES
The FMCSA has requested that all medical examiners continue providing drivers with a paper copy of the Medical Examiner’s Certificate – Form MCSA-5876, so that Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders can provide a copy to the State licensing agency, and the non-CDL drivers can provide the documentation to their employers and Federal and State enforcement officials.
The Agency is currently completing efforts to put into place an electronic system to enable medical examiners to transmit the medical certificate information from the National Registry system to the State licensing agencies.
Until that system is completed, which compliance date according FMCSA is June 23, 2025, medical examiners must continue to issue paper copies of the medical certificates to drivers who pass the medical exam.
Commercial Drivers – You still need to carry a paper copy of your medical card, until FMCSA announces that this is no longer necessary.
Your Feedback Is Welcome
Dealing with Federal DOT Regulations across the board is tough enough!
But when it comes to State Regulations — There are 50 different sets of rules. Someone could move the goal posts at any time…
To help us all avoid the black eye experience — AARGH! —
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NOTE: This website is not affiliated with, or endorsed by FMCSA or any government or state agency.
updated 11/13/18
I have not worked as a commercial driver for many years. Until now I have simply renewed my CDL. (I let Hazmat drop when a background check became necessary; I lost Air Brakes when I moved from Massachusetts to Connecticut.)
I understood that if I wanted to drive commercially I would need a medical certification and (at least if I were resuming driving a school bus) appropriate classroom hours and Department of Public Safety certification, but not another CDL road test.
Connecticut DMV is now telling me that I need a medical certification, and if not my driver license will be downgraded before renewal. Is that accurate? Is that new?
Yes, you need a current medical certificate to keep your CDL.
You also need to have a self-certification form on file with your CDL.
Thank you. Is this new? I first got the CDL more than 25 years ago, and rarely filed a medical certificate to the state.
They’ve certainly tightened things up. 4 years ago my PCP was able to check the medical form (2 years ago he couldn’t so I let it go.) Today I had the physical with no issue, but I need to get clearances for two prescriptions (including my testosterone patch — I joke with the pharmacist that I used to make that myself, and now it’s a controlled substance; for another the prescriber says he isn’t qualified to give the clearance and wants me to talk to a state-approved specialist) and an asymptomatic condition that shows on an EKG.
I just recently got diagnosed with diabites type 2 I am taking insulin can I still drive truck or I would loose my cdl.
You will need to get a federal insulin waiver from the FMCSA, if you want to continue driving, especially if you are an over-the-road driver. As of right now you would be disqualified as an interstate driver.
If you drive intra-state only, you want to check with your local drivers license department to determine what they need for you to continue to drive.
Can I put my ct class A CDL on hold for a short time of 6 months due to medical reason that will stop ne from passing a dot physical?
You need to contact your local drivers license department and let them know about the medical reason, so that they don’t downgrade your CDL when your current medical card expires.
Yes thats the problem they sent me a notice they were going to downgrade 3/13 16 because my med card expired last month and I forgot cause I was in an accident .I havent contacted them yet thats why I was asking you.
I recently had a certificate form completed by my doctor. I sent it in to the state (ct) it was returned to me because I did not submit a ” Medical certification expiration date” What is a Med cert expiration date and how do I get one??? All calls to Ct DMV go unanswered
The Medical Examiner’s Certificate has an expiration date on it.
If the correct certificate/form was used by your doctor it will have an expiration date.
Be sure that your doctor is a DOT FMCSA certified medical examiner or the physical exam will be invalid.
I had a medical waiver because I was on insulin. I no longer use insulin and controlled by pills. Do I still need a medical waiver ?
No, just a medical release from your doctor stating that you have been taken off the insulin and put on pills. Your card will still be good for one year at the time.
My medical expired in September 14 2014, I never renewed it because I have had 5 back surgeries and would have never passed a physical, does this mean my CDL was downgraded to a class D licence in Connecticut?
You will need to check with your local drivers license department. The process differs from state to state. Usually the state drivers license department sends a notice when they downgrade a license.
I work for lkq and their trucks are 12000gvw to 18000 gmvw am I required by law to hold a medical card
If you drive anything that is in excess of 10,001 pounds and it is being used for commerce, then you need a medical card. But confirm that with your local drivers license department.
On the same note I operate a non-cdl straight (box) vehicle with 26000 gmvw marking on its door, am I required to have a medical certification card intra and interstate commerce transport?
@ James
Most states require a valid medical card for any vehicle that is being used for commerce, intra or interstate. But check with your local drivers license department for the best answer.
I registered my self certification with the dmv, but was told by my employer that I needed to certify with the dot too. How do I do that?
As far as we can ascertain from Connecticut official website about CDL self-certification, registration with DMV is all you need to do.
I drive in CT, do not have a CDL and the truck is under 10,000lbs do I still need a Med card? Been told no by DMV.
I am employed in Massachusetts, however I live and have a drivers license in CT. The company is requiring a Medical Examination Certificate. Do I need to go to CT DOT, or can I handle this in MA. I am temporally staying close by work.
It does not matter where you get the DOT examination done. The medical certificate is valid everywhere in the country.
How long do I have before I have to renew my medical card before I lose my CdL?
You’ll need to check with your State Drivers License Department.
Every state has their own process.
Hi my medical card expired last month and I am going to get my dot physical tom. I did the self certification in January. My license doesn’t expire for another year. Will my cdl get disqualified because I haven’t got a updated medical card ?
Every state handles this process differently. If you haven’t had a downgrade letter, then maybe your CDL status is still okay. Best to get a copy of your new medical card to your state DLD as soon as possible.
Drove 40 minutes tp Norwich Motor Vehicle Dept only to be told as of 4years ago they are NO longer full service, I had my choice of Old Saybrook or Willimantic both were an hour or more away, I get to the Willimantic Dept and was told to go online to a self serve site for CDL’s. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!! So I get home and get onto this website and it DOESNT work it says unavailable or site no longer exists.
I received the letter for self-cert from CT-DMV back in Nov 2013. I did what they ask and they also at that time provided a email address to send my medical card . My medical card was renewed in june 2014 but I forgot to send DMV a copy. Now my licence expires soon so I went down to the DMV to renew and they told me that I’m not in their computer as being certified and also it will take up to 10-15 days before they can let me know that they received my medical card. I will not be able to work or drive after the 15 of july. Any suggestion..thank you
my question is that i did the self certification as required by 1/30/13
my medical card expired and was renewed on the 4/24/14
what do i need to do now?
do i need to send in a copy of my new physical card or what do i ned to do?
Yes, you need to send new medical card information to DMV prior to the expiration of your current medical card.
See the information at the top of this page for submitting your new medical certificate.
Failure to do so will disqualify your CDL.
I have a CDL Class B Endors: FMP, which expires on 04-30-16. My Medical Examiner’s Certificate expires 03-20-14. Do I need to do anything at this point or can I wait until my March 2014 physical?
Thank you
You must do the self-certification by the January 2014 deadline or your CDL will be downgraded. The self-certification is a one-time process with your DMV. They will want a copy of your current medical certficate as part of that record.
You can read more about this self-certification process on our blog.
If my CDL is suspended for one year,what rules apply to me?
I was just checking the site to find a certified doctor on CT. I didn’t see any. I also heard a friend tell me there are no doctors in ct. that are cdl certified.
The ruling for commercial drivers to get a medical certificate from a registered CME is only effective 5/21/2014.
You can still get a medical card from any doctor currently doing DOT physicals.
See more info on this in our FAQ – FMCSA.
Doctors are slowly getting CME certification with FMCSA so they will be able to do DOT physicals once this deadline is in effect. There are already a number of CMEs registered in Connecticut. DOTPhysicalDoctors is in contact with doctors to get them on board here, to serve you. Please bookmark this page and visit us again soon.
I got to fax a copy ofmy D.o.t. Physical to you. Is all u need is just a copy of the physical? Anything else go with it? Im at work and dont have the letter from the state with me
Please note that this is a private website, not affiliated with DMV or any government or state agency. Please check the links above for self-certification and for medical certification requirements for Connecticut.
Thank you for your immediate response to my question. The websites that you added overnight allowed me to complete the self- certification form easily. The “You” that I was referring to was the Conn. DMV since I started out at the website which eventually lead me to you. I’m sorry for trying to give you a black eye since my comments were directed at the Ct. dmv. You have my permission to remove my previous comment. Thanks again, Don E.
Thank you for your feedback and appreciation. We hope it will help other drivers too.
We’re glad that you got your self-certification completed.
I received a letter dated 11/7/2013 from the DMV requesting that I go to the website to fill out a “self-certification” of driving type before 1/30/2014 to prevent disqualification of my CDL. When I go to the website that you suggested I can not do what you requested because it states that Conn. DMV is not yet accepting self certifications. My question is when will you start accepting the information that I must provide to ensure that I do not loose my CDL? When you send out letters that threaten to disqualify someones Drivers liscense and not provide them a way to comply with your laws you are very bad at your job. I hope that you accept the information that you requested before 1/30/13. Sounds like you have the citizens between a rock and a hard place. You have a BLACK EYE on this issue.
We’re sorry you’re having challenges with this certification process.
Not quite sure who the ‘You’ is you refer to.
DOTPhysicalDOCTORS is in no way associated with the DMV. We’ve posted this information on our website to try to help drivers and doctors with medical certification requirements, because many are confused about this process.
Unfortunately we can’t help you with DMV.
We’ve added a couple more links to CT DMV information.
Hope this helps.
Truck Docs just writing to let you know that it has happen to me. I got the first letter in the mail back Nov 2013 but, I didn’t get the second one until I show up at the DMV to renew my license. You can put all your time and money to get a CDL then everything is put on hold in one keystroke until some paper-pushing decides to get around to putting your info in their little computer.