Welcome to DOTPhysicalDOCTORS!
Your subscription has been confirmed. Thank You!
We’re excited to work with you to create your personalized Office Page.
Step 1.
Decide on the information and photos you’d like to see on your Office Page.
Fill in the information fields below, select photos, and SEND.
Decide on the information and photos you’d like to see on your Office Page.
Fill in the information fields below, select photos, and SEND.
We’ll get started right away.
Step 2.
We’ll email you as soon as we have your Office Page ready for you to review.
Then you can let us know if there is anything you’d like to add or change.
P.S. Step 2 is the best time to get your questions answered.
Once we have your Office Page up,
we’ll be able to “get on the same page” with you,
and tailor it the way you like.
For help at any time you may email our team at support@dotphysicaldoctor.com.
Note: Fields marked * are required fields.